August 27

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

John 11:35
Jesus wept.

In this shortest verse of the Bible, “Jesus wept,” we witness a profound moment of compassion and empathy from our Savior. This scene takes place at the tomb of Lazarus, where Jesus is deeply moved by the sorrow of Mary, Martha, and those mourning Lazarus’s death. Despite knowing He would soon raise Lazarus from the dead, Jesus shared in their grief.

This moment reveals the depth of Jesus' love and His understanding of our human emotions. It shows that our Father knows our sorrows and pains intimately. He is not distant or detached from our struggles but is right there with us, feeling our hurt and offering comfort.

God’s wisdom and compassion are perfectly intertwined. He understands our needs, our heartbreaks, and our joys. His response to our pain is not just a solution but a shared experience of love and empathy. Jesus weeping assures us that our Father’s heart is tender towards us and that He cares deeply about every aspect of our lives.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions: Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions, knowing that Jesus understands and shares in your experiences. Write down what you’re feeling and bring it to God in prayer.

2. Seek Comfort in God’s Presence: When you’re hurting, remember that God is with you. Spend time in His presence, reading scriptures of comfort and peace, and allowing His love to soothe your soul.

3. Offer Compassion to Others: Just as Jesus showed empathy to those around Him, seek to understand and comfort those who are hurting. Your compassion can be a reflection of God’s love to someone in need.

4. Trust in God’s Plan: Even when we don’t understand why we’re experiencing pain, trust that God knows best. He sees the bigger picture and has a plan for healing and restoration.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the depth of Your love and understanding. Thank You for the compassion You showed through Jesus, who wept with those in sorrow. Help us to feel Your presence in our pain and to trust in Your perfect plan. Give us the strength to offer the same compassion to others, reflecting Your love in all we do. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
In moments of grief and sorrow, remember that Jesus wept. Our Father knows our pain and walks with us through every tear. Trust in His compassionate heart and His perfect plan for your life.

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