August 29

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

John 10:28-29
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.”
Scripture provided by Jim Hartzler

In these comforting verses from John 10, Jesus assures us of the eternal security we have in Him. He promises that those who belong to Him will never perish and that no one can snatch them out of His hand or the Father's hand. This powerful declaration speaks to the depth of God's love and the strength of His protection over us.

Our Father knows best, and in His infinite wisdom, He has given us the greatest gift: eternal life through Jesus Christ. This gift is not fragile or fleeting; it is a secure promise guaranteed by the omnipotent Creator. Knowing this, we can find peace and confidence in our daily lives, no matter what challenges we face.

God's protection is absolute. When we are in His hands, we are safe from any force that tries to separate us from His love. This does not mean we will not face trials or difficulties, but it assures us that nothing can ultimately defeat us or take away the eternal life we have in Christ.

1. Rest in God's Security: Meditate on the assurance that no one can snatch you out of God's hand. Let this truth bring peace to your heart, especially in times of uncertainty.

2. Celebrate Eternal Life: Take time to rejoice in the gift of eternal life that Jesus has given you. Reflect on the hope and joy this brings to your present and future.

3. Strengthen Your Faith: When doubts or fears arise, remind yourself of God's promise of protection. Speak these verses over your life and trust in God's unwavering care.

4. Encourage Others: Share this message of security and hope with those around you. Help others understand the steadfastness of God's love and protection.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of eternal life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the assurance that no one can snatch us out of Your hands. Help us to live in the confidence of Your protection and to trust in Your perfect wisdom. Strengthen our faith and give us courage to face each day, knowing that we are securely held by You. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Our Father's hands are the safest place we can be. Trust in His eternal security and live confidently, knowing that His protection over you is unbreakable and His love is unfailing.

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