The Essence of Love

Chief Dan George
In a world torn by strife and fear,  
Where brother wars with brother, dear,
And Nature bears the wrath of man,
A plea for love, to heal and span.

How can one hate yet claim to love?
When skies darken and storms move above,
Each act of malice, a wound so deep,
On this earth where we sow, we reap.

Love is the breath, the vital air,
The essence that all souls must share.
For without it, our spirits starve,
Diminished in the dark we carve.

Our self-esteem, once bold and bright,
Without loveā€™s touch, loses its light.
Our courage fades, we falter, fall,
In shadows that our fears install.

No longer can we gaze with hope,
But inward turn, with ourselves cope.
Feeding on our lonely cries,
In this self-made void, our spirit dies.

So let us love, not just some, but all,
From the mighty right to the meekly small.
For love alone can break these chains,
Restore our souls, and heal our pains.

Crested by

"It is hard for me to understand a culture that not only hates and fights his brothers but even attacks Nature and abuses her. Man must love all creation or he will love none of it. Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. Without love our self esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails.
Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. Instead we turn inwardly and begin to feed upon our own personalities and little by little we destroy ourselves."
- Chief Dan George -

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