Let Love be Our Guide

What makes you think that we are truly aware?  
No proof exists to show we even care.
We claim to think, to choose our own way,
But fear the challenge of a different display.

We parrot the words we are taught to repeat,
And squirm in discomfort at views that compete.
Conformity rules, our minds in a bind,
Blind to the freedom true thought could find.

Religious wars, our misguided fight,
Not for survival, but for what we deem "right."
Other creatures battle for hunger or space,
Yet we fight for beliefs in a bitter race.

For beliefs shape behavior, and behavior holds sway,
Guiding the course of humanity’s day.
But as we march toward a self-made doom,
Why claim we're aware in this crowded room?

Stubborn, destructive, we follow the path,
While ignoring the signs of the coming wrath.
Is there no hope? No way to restore?
Are we doomed to repeat this cycle of war?

Love is the answer, the beacon of light,
Sent by God’s Son to redeem our plight.
For love breaks the chains of conformity’s might,
And offers a way to set everything right.

So, before we declare we’re truly aware,
Let love be our guide, and we’ll find we care.
God’s gift to us, through His Son’s sacrifice,
Is the way to awaken, to live and be wise.

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