He is With You

             He is With You

Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
In the flames of trial where faith would grow.
God didn’t put out the fire that day,
But sent His Son to light the way.

The heat was fierce, the flames so high,
Yet they stood firm, trusting the sky.
For it wasn’t the fire He sought to tame,
But to show His presence, to call His name.

It's not about the fire being dimmed,
But knowing who walks with you within.
In every trial, in every flame,
It’s Jesus beside you, just the same.

So when the heat of life draws near,
Remember, you’ve nothing to fear.
For it’s not the fire that defines your path,
But the Savior with you, through the wrath.

In Jesus' name, Amen, we pray,
He is with you, come what may.

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