Where Do I Stand

As a Christian, I stand and see,
The tug of politics calls to me.
But where, O Lord, should I align?
With earthly banners or what’s divine?

Should my party’s creed or badge I wear
Outshine the cross I’m meant to bear?
For You have called me, not to fight
For man’s own rule, but Your true light.

The moral compass of the land,
Does not lie in the party’s hand,
But with the hearts that seek Your way—
Men who choose truth over sway.

To change the course of any cause,
We must return to heaven’s laws,
For it’s the heart that makes the stand—
Not the label, not the brand.

So, Lord, let me first serve You,
And let my actions speak as true.
To shift the compass of the crowd,
Start with one heart, humble and bowed.

Created by
Mark Waldrop

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