With Wings

Most people only dream of what pilots have seen,
The skies so vast, a world serene.
They soar through clouds like whispered air,
And touch the heavens with a prayer.

Above the earth, they glide with grace,
Where sunsets paint the endless space.
From dawn’s first light to twilight’s gleam,
They see the world as in a dream.

The cities glow like stars below,
While mountains rise with peaks of snow.
Oceans stretch with sapphire hues,
As endless skies unveil their views.

Most people dream of heights untold,
But pilots see the skies unfold.
With wings of freedom, hearts of fire,
They chase the horizon, ever higher.

In flight, they find a sacred peace,
A quiet where the troubles cease.
For only few, with courage keen,
Live the dreams that others have only seen.

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One thought on “With Wings

  1. From my friend Andy Foster, retired pilot.
    Wonderful poem!
    I have seen so many beautiful sunrises, sunsets, mountains, jungles, deserts, farms from God’s angle.
    Your poem is so true!

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