Young or old, we leave this place,
But not all enter Heaven’s grace.
No angel’s wings are ours to claim,
For only through Christ can we find His name.
A father’s prayer, though deep and true,
Cannot bring Heaven’s gates to you.
A church’s roll, a baptism’s rite,
Won’t place your soul in eternal light.
No preacher’s words, no deeds of good,
Can earn the way, though we think they could.
The narrow path, the truth, the key,
Lies in the words of John 14:6, you see.
For Jesus said, “I am the way,
The truth, the life,” there’s no other way.
Repent of sin, believe, obey,
And walk with Him each passing day.
No treasures of earth, no worldly plan,
Can save the soul of mortal man.
But Christ’s strong hands can hold you fast,
And guide you safely home at last.
So cling to Him, His grace, His love,
And trust His promises from above.
Your journey ends where faith begins,
In Christ alone, forgiven of sin.
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Jhn 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.