What is Love

What is love? A question so vast,
A feeling eternal, a bond meant to last.
It wears many faces, it comes in many forms,
A shelter in chaos, a calm through the storms.

To a child, it’s the warmth of a mother’s embrace,
The guiding hand, the familiar face.
To friends, it’s laughter that never grows old,
A trust that’s unshaken, more precious than gold.

For lovers, it’s passion, a flame burning bright,
A whisper in darkness, a beacon of light.
It’s the courage to stay through struggle and strife,
The promise of forever in the story of life.

It’s the kindness we show to a stranger in need,
The grace of compassion, the bloom from a seed.
It’s found in forgiveness, in hearts open wide,
In giving, in serving, in setting aside.

To me, love’s the greatest feeling to know,
The source of all joy, the place where we grow.
Simply put, there is nothing greater,
Love is the essence of the Creator.


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