
Before the dawn could break the sky,
Your lovingkindness lifted high.
Through shadows deep and trials near,
Your mercy whispered, “I am here.”

A love that stoops to cleanse the dirt,
That binds the wounds and heals the hurt,
No height too great, no depth too far,
Your kindness shines—a guiding star.

When hearts grow cold and faith runs thin,
You pour Your grace and draw us in.
Unfailing love that does not sleep,
A Shepherd’s hand for wandering sheep.

You could have ruled with mighty hand,
But chose instead to understand—
To walk the earth, to taste our tears,
To calm the storms and quiet fears.

O Lord of mercy, rich and pure,
Your lovingkindness will endure.
From age to age, through darkest night,
It leads us home to perfect Light.

“Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.”
—Psalm 63:3

For His Glory

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