The last word I heard was an incredible love Only remembering a sparkling white dove One minute everything was cheerful and fine The next twisted metal and the smell of slaughtered swine Only recalling the star above my head The faint smell of roses in the well-manicured flower bed Absence of pain, the incredible peace of strolling through the rain Shadows began to shift. The light grew dim. No longer seeing or hearing Him The sweet aroma was replaced with alcohol and iodine Peace leaving and chills traveling up my spine Months later, knowing what I know for sure Receiving a little glimpse of Heaven for which there is no cure Having only one aim in my life, telling others there is Hope without strife Understanding Scripture unveils an entirely new meaning After capturing a glimpse of the Holy beginning Don't wait to clean your sinful life up Till your spirit is leaving to drink of the cup Thank You, God. Thank You, God, for sparing me from a seat in hell Offering a chance to walk with Your Son Jesus, with whom my soul shall dwell April 17, 2023 MarkWaldrop