Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club A nicer group of Hams and Xyls you will never find Each one going far out of their way to be so kind I remember the good old days when Harold “Doc” Cady W4WZH and Bill Huffman K4MIQ were there The days before all that digital stuff was on the air Whether Elmering or just enjoying each other There's nothing like chasing a signal with your brother The thrill of working Field Day in June of every year Greeting the public coming to see what they can hear The most enjoyable seems to be when the motley bunch Attends the delicious Los Mariachis weekly Club Lunch What allures the Amateur to spend numerous hours in front of his rig It's turning that faint, far-off signal into something big Remembering my first CW contact, my heart pumping so fast A recollection of my excitement from the lingering distant past No one can ever explain the mysterious airwaves It has led many a Ham to become a DX slave A Silent Key I shall become someday My memories will travel with me to that Ham Shack far away September 26, 2023 MarkWaldrop Penned for my friends at the Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club