In pastures green, where ewes give birth, A tale unfolds of rejected worth. Bummer lambs, heads bowed so low, Rejected by mothers, left to woe. The shepherd, kind, with gentle hand, Lifts the lamb from the lonely land. Wraps it warm, holds it tight, Against the heart, in the silent night. Hand-feeding love to the broken soul, Making the wounded spirit whole. In the shepherd's care, it finds its way, Back to the flock, where others stray. Rejected, yet loved, the bummer lamb, Knows the shepherd's voice, like a sacred psalm. Jesus, the Shepherd, so good and true, Cares for us all, me and you. In moments broken, rejected, and low, He holds us close, lets His love flow. No lamb forgotten, no soul left behind, In His love and care, solace we find. Bummer lambs, we may be, But deeply loved for eternity. By the Shepherd, gentle and kind, In His embrace, true solace we find. December 30, 2023 Created by MarkWaldrop