In a world not always kind, under skies sometimes grey, Lived Reggie, a little dog, in turmoil's harsh sway. His fur, as white as fresh winter snow, Held a story of sorrow, more than most know. Two months past, fate's hand gently guided, To a soul in need, where love resided. A cruelty endured, one eye lost, a spirit not broken, In Reggie's heart, his resilience, a token. At two, life's chapters, both bitter and sweet, Found solace in kindness, a gesture so neat. A new family's embrace, a haircut, a sign, Of beginnings anew, where stars align. On Sunday, the scissors whispered tales of rebirth, Trimming away the past, revealing his worth. And today, oh today, in the playground's embrace, Swings cradled his dreams, in a serene space. He soared through the air, with the wind in his fur, A moment so pure, no past could deter. He wanted to say hi, to the world, to the sky, A simple hello, from a dog, once shy. Reggie, the little white dog, with a heart so vast, Teaches us love, resilience, a bond that will last. In his eyes, a story, a journey, a plea, To see beyond sorrow, and just let him be. So here's to Reggie, a beacon of light, A testament to love's unwavering might. In a world not always kind, he found his way, A cute little white dog, who had much to say. March 4, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop