Hold Fast to God’s Will

       Hold Fast to God's Will

Condemn me if you will,
But steadfast I remain,
In the shadow of His grace,
Through sunshine and through rain.

My heart clings to His promise,
In faith, I find my way,
Through trials and tribulations,
His light guides my day.

The world may scorn and mock,
Yet I stand firm and still,
For my soul knows the truth,
I hold fast to God's will.

In whispers of the wind,
In the silence of the night,
His love speaks to my spirit,
And fills my heart with light.

Though paths may twist and turn,
And darkness might descend,
I trust His greater plan,
On His strength I depend.

Condemn me if you will,
But my faith will not sway,
For I am bound to Heaven,
In His will, Iā€™ll always stay.

Through every storm and struggle,
His hand holds me tight,
In the embrace of my Savior,
I find eternal light.

So let the world condemn,
Let its voices grow shrill,
For I walk with my God,
And I hold fast to His will.

July 10, 2024
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