July 17

Daily Devotional: 
Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:11
"And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you."

In a world full of noise, distractions, and constant busyness, the call to lead a quiet life can seem countercultural and even challenging. However, our Father, in His infinite wisdom, knows what is best for us. He encourages us through the words of Paul to find contentment and peace in simplicity and diligent work.

A quiet life is not one devoid of purpose or activity but one that prioritizes inner peace and focuses on what truly matters. By minding our own business and working with our hands, we honor God’s design for a balanced and fulfilling life. This doesn’t mean isolation but rather a focus on our responsibilities, fostering a life that reflects God’s peace and order.

Thought for Today:
God's wisdom often leads us to paths that the world may overlook. In striving for a quiet life, we find a rhythm that allows us to hear His voice more clearly. Our Father knows that in the stillness, we can grow, reflect, and serve Him more effectively. Trust His guidance today and embrace the peace that comes from following His direction.

Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing what is best for us. Help us to embrace the quiet life You call us to, finding joy and purpose in our daily tasks. Teach us to mind our own business and work diligently with our hands, reflecting Your peace and order in all we do. May our lives be a testimony of Your wisdom and love. Amen.

Action Step:
Today, take a moment to evaluate areas of your life that may be filled with unnecessary noise or busyness. Ask God to help you simplify and focus on what truly matters, finding peace in the tasks and responsibilities He has given you.

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