Calm the Storm

My mind in constant turmoil with my soul,
A restless dance, a struggle to control.
In whispers dark and shadows deep,
They wage a war that steals my sleep.

Thoughts collide like storm-tossed seas,
Seeking answers, longing for peace.
In every conflict, in every fight,
I search for calm, for gentle light.

Yet in this chaos, hope does gleam,
A quiet strength, a distant dream.
To calm the mind, to soothe the soul,
Is to make the weary body whole.

Breath by breath, I find my way,
To peace that dawns like breaking day.
In stillness found, in moments sweet,
My heart and soul at last can meet.

For when the mind and soul align,
In harmony, pure and divine,
The body follows, strong and free,
In perfect peace and unity.

So here I stand, with open heart,
To heal the wounds, to play my part.
To calm the storm, to find the whole,
A tranquil mind, a peaceful soul.

July 22, 2024
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