A Burden Shared

A burden shared is a burden made light,  
In darkest moments, together shines bright.
What weighs heavy on one can be eased by two,
For hearts united find strength to renew.

When sorrow is carried by more than just one,
The path feels less weary, the battle half-won.
In the hands of a friend, grief starts to divide,
And hope, like a whisper, grows stronger inside.

A load shared with others is not yours alone,
In the warmth of their care, you find a new tone.
For though trials may linger, the weight we now bear
Becomes easier still when someone is there.

So lean on each other, through struggle and strife,
Together, we lighten the burdens of life.
In unity's grace, we find courage to fight,
For a burden shared is a burden made light.

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Gal 6:2  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

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