Be Careful What You Say

Be careful what you say today,  
For when you're gone, there’ll come a day,
When words are spoken 'round your name,
Don’t make the preacher speak in vain.

Live with truth, walk the narrow way,
Let your actions, not just words, portray
The life you lived with honor and grace,
So at your end, there’s no disguise to place.

For when that time arrives, my friend,
And we all gather at the end,
Let the preacher’s words be just and true—
A reflection of the real you.

So guard your tongue and actions well,
For stories told, your life will tell.
Don't make the preacher need to try,
To cover truth or preach a lie.

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Be careful what you say don’t make the preacher lie at your funeral.

2Ch 6:27  then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land you gave your people for an inheritance.

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