January 17

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Hebrews 12:1 (ESV) - "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

Life can often feel like a race, filled with obstacles, challenges, and moments of weariness. Yet, we are reminded in Hebrews that we are not alone in this race. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses—those who have gone before us and have faithfully endured their own journeys.

The imagery of laying aside every weight and sin speaks to the things that hinder us from fully living out our faith. These could be doubts, fears, distractions, or habitual sins that cling to us and slow us down. As we strive to run with endurance, it's essential to identify and release these burdens, trusting that our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us.

God's wisdom and guidance are ever-present, like a loving coach who knows the course better than we do. He sees the finish line and the path we need to take to get there. By relying on His strength and direction, we can overcome the obstacles and keep moving forward with confidence.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us, cheering us on in our journey of faith. Help us to lay aside every weight and sin that entangles us. Grant us the endurance to run the race set before us, trusting in Your perfect wisdom and guidance. May we glorify Your holy name in every step we take. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Today, take a moment to identify any weights or sins that are holding you back. Pray for God's help to release these burdens. Reflect on the encouragement from those who have gone before you, and renew your commitment to run your race with endurance, knowing that your Father knows best.

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