Boston Tea Party

   British tea cast adrift

In sixteen seventy-three, in Boston's embrace,
A protest arose, a bold act took place.
Colonists, weary of taxation's cruel sting,
Against British rule, in defiance, they'd swing.

December's chill graced the Boston night,
A harbor scene painted in revolutionary light.
No representation, yet taxes so steep,
Fueled a rebellion, no longer asleep.

Three hundred forty-two chests in the sea,
British tea cast adrift, a powerful decree.
No submission to acts that unjustly bind,
The Boston Tea Party, a mark on the mind.

An echo resounded through history's halls,
A catalyst brewing for liberty's calls.
In the lead-up to revolution's solution,
This act stood strong, a fervent contribution.

December 9, 2023
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Solemn words

On December 7, the winds of fate did blow,
A date engraved in history's somber glow.
Infamy struck, a nation held its breath,
President Roosevelt spoke, declaring death.

In solemn words, a nation stirred,
Echoes of war, a call to be heard.
Through the pain, courage would rise,
A nation united, with tear-filled eyes.

Roosevelt's voice, a beacon strong,
In the face of darkness, a resolve prolonged.
A date remembered, in history's decree,
December 7, 1941, echoes eternally.

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You Are Not Forgotten

In battles fought, in scars they bear,
Veterans stand, a solemn prayer.
Freedom's price, they've truly known,
Their courage, a legacy sown.

Through wars and trials, they have stood,
A testament to brotherhood.
Our duty clear, to safeguard the gain,
For their sacrifice, not in vain.

Let gratitude be our heartfelt song,
For veterans brave, courageous and strong.
A pledge to keep the flame alight,
To honor them, both day and night.

November 11, 2023


United States Marine Corps Flag

In the crucible of history, for 248 years strong,
Marines stand united, a legacy that's long.
From Belleau Wood's echoes to Inchon's shore,
In blood, sweat, and sacrifice, honor they bore.

Heroes like Woody Williams, Cafferata, and Daly,
In the heat of battle, their deeds spoke bravely.
Shoulders we stand on, their courage our guide,
Earn our title "Marine" with each rising tide.

From the Great War's trenches to battles untold,
Marines fought for freedom, courageous and bold.
In Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East's call,
They answered with valor, they gave their all.

A life of service, of sacrifice profound,
In mud-covered uniforms, honor is found.
To be first to fight, the mission we embrace,
Choosing the path that others might not face.

In war's shadow, Marines relentlessly train,
Excellence our standard, to endure the pain.
From sea to land, we rise and return,
Our unique culture, a flame that'll forever burn.

Sergeant Major Ruiz and I stand with pride,
In this past year's feats, our strength amplified.
Every Marine, active, reserve, and vet,
Uphold our standards, a duty we won't forget.

Protect your kin, preserve the legacy we share,
Happy Birthday, Marines, in unity declare.
With "Ooh Rah" echoing, let our spirits soar,
For 248 years strong, and many more.

Taken from 
General Eric M. Smith

November 10, 2023
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Prayer and Politics

Prayer, not politics I heard the Speaker of the House say
It’s been too long coming waiting day after day

All the mass confusion and turmoil will this lessen or go away
If we fervently turn toward God and earnestly begin to Pray

There is only one way to discover if it will make our sadness leave
Putting  into practice what we preach and pray we will less grieve

Pray for Godly men and women desiring to serve our country for you and me
Through such Godly men and women, Our Country will surely remain Free

October 27, 2023

Sounds of Freedom

There are many sounds of Freedom ringing in my ears today
The thunderous sounds of jet engines as they fly away

The sounds of peace calm my fears
Sounds are welcome music to my ears

Sounds of Heavenly Music that enter my soul
Hearing the Golden Bells of Heaven as they toll

All of these wondrous sounds set me free
Knowing that God's Love forever lives in me

October 21, 2023

Wandering F-35 Brought Home

In the sky, a squadron strong and bold,
A hundred F-35s, gleaming gold.
Yet one dared wander far astray,
From the ninety-nine, it chose to stray. 

But the military, with hearts so true,
Left the ninety-nine, their mission in view.
They searched the skies and land so wide,
For the one that chose to leave their side.

And when they found it, a lonely sight,
Their F-35 returning, late in the night
For in that moment, they came to see,
The one that was lost was meant to be

So, like the parable's lesson profound,
In unity and care, strength is found.
For the one that wandered, they cherished more,
In the skies of unity, they'd forever soar.

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911 a Day We’ll Never Forget

911 a horrific day I  will never forget
Thousands that day their Maker they met

Everyone was doing just what they were supposed to do
Then tragedy struck terror in the hearts of me, and you

Nowhere to turn, my heart did burn
Turning to TV, seeing what I could learn

Taking a deep breath and bowing my head
Dear God, bless the families of the fateful dead

My memories fly back to that disastrous day
Causing me to pause, bow my head and pray 

September 11, 2023