Dawn breaking in Mars Hill, North Carolina
His Glorious Majesty in no way could be finer
The Stunning Sunrise stretching across the Vast Sky
The Glory of the Birds chirping Feeling God's Love Arise
His Name spanning the sands of time
My steps get lighter with each step I climb
As I Bow my head and Pray Before Him
A Revelation from Heaven enters in
Oh My God, How Great Thou Art
Thank you for Living in my heart
October 7, 2023
In a meadow bathed in golden light,
Where wildflowers bloom, a pure delight.
Nature's canvas, so vivid and free,
A tranquil world, as far as the eye can see.
Birds in chorus, their melodies soar,
A symphony of life, from shore to shore.
Beneath the azure, the sky's vast dome,
A poem of Earth, our beloved home.
The gentle breeze whispers secrets untold,
In this serene tapestry, where stories unfold.
With every sunrise and each sunset's grace,
The world's a poem, in its timeless embrace.
October 6, 2023
Created by
In troubling times, my eyes on him
His Glorious light will never grow dim
Peace and Joy will forever follow my soul
Even when cold death comes taking its toll
Forever in the shadow of His Hand
In Peace, through eternity, I will stand
Greater than the Glorious Universe He spoke
I have no choice but for him; my soul to cloak
October 4, 2023
I was watching TV, and I heard things that would turn the air blue
Dear God have mercy on their soul they know not what they do
Reminds me of a story in the Bible of two Angels that came to town
The men had lost their senses and turned everything upside down
Sodom and Gomorrah was reduced to hot blazing embers
Judgment came quickly nothing left only sin to remember
To learn from the annals of history we must
Follow God’s Commandments for He is Just.
October 3, 2023
South Carolina Skies are the most beautiful to behold
Fluffy white clouds are God's Handiwork I'm told
If they could reveal the many things they've seen, what would they say
Many mistakes man has made evolved through time, and his repentance paid
Hopes dashed by the Charleston Shore
By the horrible battles of the Civil War
The committed spirits of the people arose from the embers
Beginning to rebuild, only God's Love will be remembered
Those same clouds hover over the Holy City today
As the people of Charleston bend their knees and pray
God's Blessings continue over our beautiful state
With our eyes on Him, we will resolve our fate
October 2, 2023
Illustration of a mysterious cloud staircase leading to the heavens and divine light shining from the heavens
I headed out to find Heaven one day
Finding out I had to turn from sin and pray
Sin felt so good. Should I go in search of something I could not see
If I found it, would I turn and take the path that would set me free
As I prayed and asked God’s Son, Jesus, to dwell within
Feeling all my sins lift away, and the Love of God come in
Nothing can compare to The Love I felt that day
My only regret is waiting so long before I prayed
October 1, 2023
God took care of me every day. I was not aware He was by my side
Not realizing from where my blessings came, in Him I did not abide
He took care of me then, and He takes care of me now
Not understanding, only In God’s Love, l humbly bow
October 1, 2023
My whole life is something I want to share
I am afraid I will be exposed to many a glare
Do I need to change some things before I begin to pray
Would I be embarrassed by what Jesus would see if he came to stay
I found through my Saintly Mother one day
My whole life is a constant prayer every day
Thank you, God, for sending Jesus my way
October 1, 2023
With God, small is Great
There is no need to hesitate
Whatever befalls you on your way
He will not let you go far astray
He can take a small action of Love
Turning it into something Heavenly from above
Doing precisely what God says
Shows faith in how Great God is
I bow my head and thank Him every day
For sending His Son Jesus to guide the way
October 1, 2023
The cool quiet and the calm of an early morning dawn
The serenity of the moment brings to mind a Psalm
Psalm 131: I have calmed and quieted my restless soul
Awakening early to see Your Majestic Scenes unfold
How Great Thou Art, Oh Lord, Your Creation beyond words
Only explainable through the Heavenly sound of the birds
Thank You, God, for Your beautiful creation
That brings peace of mind and exultation
September 30, 2023
Inspired by John Becton