Any day can be Springtime

Any day can be Springtime if we let it be
Any day can be Springtime for you and me

If you have Springtime in your heart and soul, it will surround you
In the midst of Winter or a terrible storm, the sky will be blue

Springtime is not just a season with Jesus; it is the reason 
The reason to live another day with a brand-new feeling

September 29, 2023

Water into wine

In a world of choices, where desires entwine,
Water soothes the soul, a taste divine.
Hold the wine for moments grand,
A banquet of life, as dreams are planned.

Asking for a miracle without reason would be a crime
Always waiting for the most appropriate time

Miracles are divinely sent from above
Only to be used to show God’s great love

Jesus performed miracles all the time
Because God’s love for His Son was sublime

September 29, 2023

Don’t we all have the right to be wrong now and then

Wrong right
Don’t we all have the right to be wrong now and then
I certainly hope so; otherwise, I would have no friends

If I were right all the time, It would certainly be a crime
Nobody would put up with me, not even my spouse, you see

Lord, give me the wisdom to see how others view me
Wisdom I know comes from you. Please, God, give me a dose too

September 29, 2023

Honoring K9 Rico’s Sacrifice

In honor of K9 Rico, brave and true,
A hero so faithful with a heart so pure.
He stood by their side, his loyalty sure,
In the line of duty, he paid his due.

SLED Chief Mark Keel, with somber tone,
Announced the loss, a heavy toll.
K9 Rico, with courage in his soul,

With every bark, with every stride,
He answered the call, never to hide.
A guardian of law, by their side,
In his memory, our hearts swell with pride.

In the quiet of night, under the stars' soft glow,
We remember K9 Rico, a noble fellow.
He gave his all, his bravery aglow,
For his fellow officers, he'll forever be a hero.

Created by

Guard Vineyards from Sly Foxes

wildlife fox staring at me in country in Japan
Catch the foxes, small and sly,
In vineyards where blossoms lie,
Guard our vines, so sweet and fair,
From these thieves that prowl out there

The vineyards of our life we view with care
To keep the little foxes from driving us to despair

Life is a trail of many crooks and turns
We must control our hearts for which they yearn

The little thrives so sly and quick
Moving so fast, trying every trick

Be alert and keep your focus
Least the little foxes cause hocus-pocus

September 28, 2023

Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club

Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club 
A nicer group of Hams and Xyls you will never find
Each one going far out of their way to be so kind

I remember the good old days when Harold “Doc” Cady W4WZH and Bill Huffman K4MIQ were there
The days before all that  digital stuff was on the air

Whether Elmering or  just enjoying each other 
There's nothing like chasing a signal with your brother

The thrill of working Field Day in June of every year
Greeting the public coming to see what they can hear

The most enjoyable seems to be when the motley bunch
Attends the delicious Los Mariachis weekly Club Lunch

What allures the Amateur to spend numerous hours in front of his rig
It's turning that faint, far-off signal into something big

Remembering my first CW contact, my heart pumping so fast
A recollection of my excitement from the lingering distant past

No one can ever explain the mysterious airwaves
It has led many a Ham to become a DX slave 

A Silent Key I shall become someday
My memories will travel with me to that Ham Shack far away

September 26, 2023
Penned for my friends at the
Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club

Gods Flower Garden

Our lives are like flowers in God’s Garden
He picked and planted us. That is for certain

The most gorgeous garden in the whole universe
He waters and  protects His Flowers from any curse

Cultivating His Garden, fertilizing pruning, and weeding
The most beautiful blooms sprout forth from His feeding

Many colors of the rainbow shine through from above
His constant care and nurturing exhibit His Enduring Love

I am blessed to be a flower picked by the Master’s Hands
To grace His Flower Garden in The Great Master Plan

September 26, 2023


What is contentment, and where do
I discover it 
It alluded me just over the hill from
where I sat

Always searching, always wanting peace, unable to find
I was beginning to believe it was a fantasy in my mind

Then, one day, the author of Contentment I met
Peace flowed through my being with no regret

The Maker of The Universe was the creator of my Soul
Coming face-to-face with Him brought Contentment, making me whole

September 26, 2023