911 a Day We’ll Never Forget

911 a horrific day I  will never forget
Thousands that day their Maker they met

Everyone was doing just what they were supposed to do
Then tragedy struck terror in the hearts of me, and you

Nowhere to turn, my heart did burn
Turning to TV, seeing what I could learn

Taking a deep breath and bowing my head
Dear God, bless the families of the fateful dead

My memories fly back to that disastrous day
Causing me to pause, bow my head and pray 

September 11, 2023

Meaning of Salvation


What does it mean to be saved, you ask?
It's a new birth, a heavenly task,
A gift from God to those who believe,
A chance for a new life to achieve.

Like newborn infants, pure and mild,
We must grow into salvation, a precious child,
Nourishing our souls with spiritual milk so pure,
In faith, we find strength to endure.

Salvation, a journey, a divine embrace,
A path to God's love, His saving grace,
It's the promise of a brighter tomorrow,
Banishing grief, erasing all sorrow.

So let us cherish this gift from above,
A life renewed, filled with God's love,
In salvation's embrace, we'll forever stand,
Guided by faith, held by His hand.

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Silent Keys Remembered

In memory of those who've passed,
Their voices once so clear.
Their absence leaves an empty space,
Yet their essence lingers near.
Through the airwaves, they did speak,
Their messages like art.
Now they're silent, but not forgotten,
Forever in our hearts.

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August 29, 2023

Working up a friendship with Jesus

Working up a friendship with Jesus seems like a mighty good thing to do. 
You know it was His Dad who made the Universe and everything else too

I been going to this old church down the road since I was a turning three
I never thought about making Jesus my friend sounds exciting to me

A friend I can confide in and he won't blabber all over town
Someone I like to be with,  just enjoy hanging around

Jesus is a friend available twenty-four-seven to listen and talk with me
He lifts my spirits and always encourages no matter where I be

I am proud to be a friend of Jesus He goes to church with me
I'm excited to walk with Him downtown for all others to see

What a friend I have in Jesus, all my sins and briefs to bear
What a privilege to carry everything to His Dad in Prayer

August 26, 2023

Blinded by the physical Can’t see the Spiritual

I’m blinded by the physical I can’t see beyond my nose
Looking for all the physical pleasures and all it bestows 

Never looking up to see where the blessings come from
Always looking down not realizing what I can become

Taking the blinders from my eyes the rays of light enter in
Revealing unto me the sin I've been in

The love of God came in when Jesus entered in
Saving my soul making me whole to start anew again

August 26, 2023

Trusting God’s Name

In You, O Lord, our trust is found,
A refuge sure, on solid ground.
Those who know Your name so true,
Find strength and hope, their hearts renew.

For in Your grace, we're not alone,
Your steadfast love, forever shown.
You do not abandon those who seek,
In earnest quest, Your face they speak.

Through trials deep, we find Your hand,
Guiding us to a promised land.
In every step, Your presence near,
Eradicating doubt and fear.

So let us search, with hearts ablaze,
In awe of You, our constant gaze.
For those who know Your name divine,
In trust, they flourish, they brightly shine.

August 20, 2023
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“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.” (Psalm 9:10 


Joy does not come easy in this sinful life
Where do I look for Joy while enduring strife

Inner Joy does not come from this world
It came with Jesus His Joy unfurled 

Joy can be attained in any situation 
Looking to The Maker of our creation

Joy comes in the morning after a restful night's sleep
Continuing all day if His Commandments I keep

Spreading God’s Love and Joy to others I find 
Brings peace and happiness through God's design 

August 13, 2023

The Milkey Way

I thought I had lost you tonight drawing  your last breath I was so in fright
With blurry eyes looking into the skies your plan  came into clear sight

Gazing at the Milky Way my heart was in despair
A twinkling star came into sight saying I'm right here

The Milkey Way grows brighter each night
A new star added when my loved one takes flight

Some call it Paradise some call it heaven
I call it in God’s Plan all my sins are forgiven

 I Lookup upwards to the Heavens tonight to find my twinkling light
They are there seeming to say don't fret everything is all right. 

August 13, 2023