In Mesa's realm, a hero stood,
A loyal heart, both strong and good.
K9 Sir, a valiant name,
In honor, we light the flame.
A Belgian Malinois, full of grace,
Marched with courage, in every space.
With Officers by his side,
They faced the trials, far and wide.
In the line of duty's call,
They gave their best, gave it all.
A tragic morn, tears we shed,
For K9 Sir, our hearts now bled.
Rest in peace, canine of might,
Your dedication, shining light.
Though you've crossed the rainbow's end,
In our hearts, you'll always mend.
With sorrow deep, our voices soar,
In memory of the hero we adore.
K9 Sir, forever brave,
In our souls, you've found a grave.
Created by
Lake Arrowhead, California
Rest in peace canine Officer Sir.
We are deeply saddened to announce the tragic loss of a valued member of our team, K9 Sir. He was tragically killed in the line of duty early this morning in the Mesa College area.
A 4 ½-year-old Belgian Malinois, K9 Sir joined our ranks in March 2022, showing courage, commitment, and dedication in every situation he faced. He was a beloved member of our department and community.
In the kingdom of heaven's gate,
A lesson taught, so profound and weight,
"Not everyone who calls My name,
Shall find eternal life's bright flame.
For mere words alone can't guarantee,
A place in realms of eternity.
But the one who follows My Father's will,
Shall find a home, serene and still.
On that day when judgment dawns,
Before the Savior, hearts forlorn,
Many will claim their works so grand,
Prophesying, miracles at hand.
Yet, He shall speak with truth unveiled,
Their shallow hearts, the Lord impales,
"I never knew you," His words shall say,
"Depart from Me, you evildoers, away."
Let these words within us dwell,
A solemn tale of warning's bell,
For deeds alone, though wondrous they seem,
Can't replace a heart with love agleam.
So, let us seek to know Him deep,
To follow His will, our souls to keep,
For in doing so, we shall truly find,
The heavenly embrace, loving and kind.
Matthew 7:21-23
July 31, 2023
Created by
Police K9s are a very special breed
Following every command and every need
They know no fear only performing their job day in and day out
So anxiously waiting to hear their commands shout
Always willing to follow every order of command
Whether protection or charging ahead to apprehend
Having no fear of giving his life
His memory will be his sacrifice
July 30, 2023
Service K9s are an extremely rare breed
They are devoted to their handler responding to every need
They have no fear always marching into action
Following every command with a positive reaction
Doing their duty is the only fame they proclaim
Giving their all is the sacrifice for their fame
July 30, 2023
God is just a touch away
I can see Him in the clouds at play
He is peaking through the branches of the tree
Seeming to gently say I will forever be
The ripples of the water calm my soul and mind
Reminding me that God is forever kind
No matter where I go or where I'll be
God will always be there to touch me
July 30, 2023
Grandpas are so special in a peculiar sort of way
Grandkids bond with them from the very first day
You can take a rough old man with a heart like a cold brick
Hand him his newborn grandchild and his love shows so quick
Grandpa takes them fishing teaching them about nature
Explaining to them how God created every little creature
Holding a newborn grandchild gives contentment untold
It makes all the worldly woes and cares melt into gold
July 28, 2023
I am Me because God saw my worth and sent me to earth
No matter my age one or one hundred and one He’s still working on Me
God has a plan for every man no matter his status in life
He knows what the future holds and the path to less strife
He made me and loves me so, for I resemble Him
He’s always with me even when my light seems dim
Reading the scriptures, prayer, and fellowship with others
Will intensify His Light in me to be seen by my fellow brothers
I’ve learned to never take myself for granted
Being painted on God's canvas, made me enchanted
I ask God how I could Thank Him for Everything
A still small voice said Proclaim My Son's Name
July 24, 2023
Hast makes waste I know firsthand
When I slow down I see where I stand
Getting in a hurry I often don't take time to think
Often making costly decisions causes me to sink
I have learned to slow down and take my time
Not listening to others that think I'm committing a crime
Gathering my thoughts and putting my ducks in a row
Will help lead to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
July 22, 2023
In the realm of waves, where signals soar,
Amidst the ether's boundless shore,
There dwells a code, a noble creed,
For amateurs to follow, indeed.
Considerate hearts, with empathy aglow,
Never to disrupt, but kindness show,
Ensuring joy in every transmission,
A harmony of waves in coexistence.
Loyal souls, united in their quest,
With bonds of support and friendship blessed,
To clubs and leagues, their hearts extend,
Amateur Radio, a united blend.
Progressive minds, in knowledge steeped,
With stations strong, their prowess peeped,
Their skills honed well, beyond reproach,
Advancing science with a sturdy approach.
Friendly gestures, a gentle pace,
When novices seek a guiding grace,
In counsel and advice, they're rich,
Patiently leading, like a lantern's pitch.
Balanced lives, with wisdom sought,
Amateur passion, never overwrought,
Family, job, and community first,
Radio a joy, but never an all-consuming thirst.
Patriotic fervor, within each heart,
Radio's power, a chance to impart,
Service to country and community strong,
A beacon of hope when things go wrong.
Paul M. Segal's legacy is profound,
A code for amateurs, forever renowned,
Let these principles guide us all,
In the world of waves, where voices call.
By Paul M Segal, W9EEA, (1928)
Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA
The bodybuilder is a person to be admired
A person by whom we should all be inspired
The physical body is the most difficult to tame
It has a mind of its own often bringing shame
Our spiritual body is quite a different animal
Not having it under control becoming a cannibal
One residing in the other both need to be tamed together
Being equally yoked you will express gratitude forever
Taming the mind and taming the soul will certainly make your body whole
With less strife and increased contentment, you will find yourself in control
July 19, 2023