The rich man The poor man

There was a certain rich man who lived very well
His eyes were on this earth he never thought of Heaven or hell

There was a very poor man who lived from day to day 
His eyes were upon God, praying, show me the way

The poor man died. God said come live with me
For what you ask, leads through death to set you free

The rich man died only having faith in what he could see
This dreadful mistake led him to live in hell for an eternity 

It's too late now for him to change his sinful ways
Only begging to tell others before the end of their days 

For the kindness shown on this earth
Will reveal a man's true worth

Luke 16:19-31

July 15, 2023

What was I told to do

Profile of a man closing his ears
Did I listen, did I do what I was told to do
Too many distractions I think not hearing things through

Not taking time to slow my mind down
Always on the move dancing all around

I hear many things from many people
Never listening, the obvious is so simple

Not taking time to hear  the correct directions
will certainly cause me to have many questions

The Good Book is full of many good instructions 
Depending on other's interpretations may cause frustrations 

The answer being calming my mind, listening to what I'm hearing
Faithfully doing this will keep my goals in life from disappearing

July 12, 2023

Treasures by the shore

Back view of young beautiful woman sunbathe and relax on tropical beach with copy space. Summer vacation concept
Unlike the Pirates of Old in search of the treasure of gold
I sit on the sandy beach reminiscing the stories I've been told

Remembering in my mind the Grandparents I had never met
Only the description of their kindness their faces I will now never forget

The good times over the many years
Jesus walking with me through the tears

The Happy times far outweigh the bad 
God's plan to keep me from being sad

Treasures too many to collect in one day
I shall return to my abode and continue to pray

As I stand to retreat from the sand
In God's Sunset, I can  feel his hand

Giving me Hope to return another day
To continue treasure hunting by the bay

July 11, 2023


Have you ever had a meltdown hurling angry words erupting strong feelings?
Revealing emotions so strong there is no possible way of earthly healing. 

A word flung in anger can never return. 
Hitting its mark, you can hear the sizzle and burn. 

Count to ten. Be careful what you say.
You never know who is packing today.

July 10, 2023

Why do you do what you don’t want to do

Why do you do what you don't want to do
If you have the answer God Bless you

We know what we should do our conscience tells us so
The reason being our conscience is connected to our soul

You may think no one sees you behind that dark door
Not realizing your conscience is always with you evermore

You can't run from yourself that can never be
Look in the mirror and face up to what you see

If your soul is longing for something it has not today
Bow your head and ask God to show you the way

July 7, 2023

If your searching

If your searching you haven't found it
When you find it your life will show it

Always be in search of what you can't find
Never give up searching in your own mind

There are many things to search for there are many hills to climb
Never giving up will only give you peace of mind

The more you search the more you will find
In the end, you will find searching is 
what made you kind

July 7, 2023


My life seems to be made up of a series of fates. 
Intermingled in between a series of waits

Making little sense of life at the time
Looking back I see the ladder I began to climb

Wisdom comes with age if I allow it to
There is no fate at all only God guiding me through

July 5, 2023

Attitude of Gratitude

What kind of attitude do I have 
is it one that causes me to misbehave
Is it one that shows discontent or one that I will be content with to the grave

Attitude is the secret to a happy and peaceful life
If I show gratitude to all I will have much less strife

Being grateful whether I have little or plenty
Will surely keep my life from being empty

Thank you, God, for the many blessings you have bestowed on me
That I may forever have an Attitude of Gratitude for others to see

July 5, 2023

In the beginning

In the beginning, there was nothing at all
Then God spoke His existence to all

First He created the Heavens and earth 
Not yet finished He will give it much greater worth

God said there will be light it was so beautiful and bright
It was so good He separated the darkness from the bright light

God called the light day and the darkness night
Then came the morning of the first day followed by the evening of the first night

God created the sky to separate the water from below and above
He called the cavern of separation the beautiful sky of love

God called the dry ground land and the gathered water sea
He made vegetation and animals for you and me

God said let there be lights in the sky
That we may walk with an attentive eye
That we may not lose our way, stumble  least no one hear our cry

God made man rule over His creation
Man governed with love and little frustration 

God seeing man was very lonely
He created a helpmate
Man not realizing the helpmate he made would seal their fate

However, God's Love would continue through the sin that came in
The Love Between Man and Woman
continually grows as God becomes their Friend

God's walk with man created the scripture we have today
That gives us the do’s and don't’s
To follow along the way

God sent His only son Jesus to show His Love and save us from sin
The only requirement, bowing our heads and believing in him

Genesis chapter one

July 3, 2023