In the beginning, there was nothing at all
Then God spoke His existence to all
First He created the Heavens and earth
Not yet finished He will give it much greater worth
God said there will be light it was so beautiful and bright
It was so good He separated the darkness from the bright light
God called the light day and the darkness night
Then came the morning of the first day followed by the evening of the first night
God created the sky to separate the water from below and above
He called the cavern of separation the beautiful sky of love
God called the dry ground land and the gathered water sea
He made vegetation and animals for you and me
God said let there be lights in the sky
That we may walk with an attentive eye
That we may not lose our way, stumble least no one hear our cry
God made man rule over His creation
Man governed with love and little frustration
God seeing man was very lonely
He created a helpmate
Man not realizing the helpmate he made would seal their fate
However, God's Love would continue through the sin that came in
The Love Between Man and Woman
continually grows as God becomes their Friend
God's walk with man created the scripture we have today
That gives us the do’s and don't’s
To follow along the way
God sent His only son Jesus to show His Love and save us from sin
The only requirement, bowing our heads and believing in him
Genesis chapter one
July 3, 2023
There ain't no thermostat in hell
You have to keep swettin I do tell
If ide been better ida gone to that cooler place
Well it's too late for me I've done run the race
I have no choice now but only to tell
Don't come here it's hotter than hell
July 2, 2023
Rear view of student guy standing at sea and spreading hands. Back of young man in casual posing outdoors. Euphoria or joy concept
I don't want the power to change the world for the world will change itself
I wish for the power to have Jesus shine through me as I humble myself
Spreading The Good News of God's Son who came to save us from sin
Only through this task of Love will, I have Peace and Happiness within
Spreading the Gospel as I go along my way will bring His sheep to the fold
Not wanting even one to stray He will give me power untold
It's not for me to decide the fate of my fellow man
I know not what's hidden in his heart only God understands
I pray God will draw them near whether through Love or Fear
That they will find Jesus before the end is near
July 1, 2023
Do I have a date of expiration
According to the Good Book, I do
Not like the food we purchase we're not stamped with a date that's due
I should live every minute to get the fullest use of my life
Not knowing my future fate could bring much strife
If I trust my Maker who created me in the beginning
He knows the exact time when my life will be ending
Peace with Him will make my life whole
Bringing complete commitment to my soul
July 1, 2023
In a world where signals dance across the air,
Where frequencies hum and voices declare,
There shines a beacon of radiant light,
Solana, our sunshine, gleaming so bright.
A Field Day Event sparked her youthful desire,
In 2019, her heart caught fire,
Ham radio's magic captured her gaze,
A passion ignited in those early days.
With her mother, Mari Ann, by her side,
They ventured forth, their knowledge to abide,
Technician class exam they did take,
At nine years old, a milestone they did make.
Solana, N4SOL, her call sign they gave,
A mark of dedication and courage so brave,
Mari Ann, KD4SGC, her mother stands tall,
Together they embrace the radio's call.
April 26, 2021, a day to remember,
Their General licenses, a glowing ember,
As a Ham Family, they proudly stand, Grandparents, Randy, W4YSN, and Patti, KB4PAT, hand in hand.
Solana, a granddaughter cherished and dear,
Bathed in love from those so near,
A lineage of hams, a legacy shared,
With every transmission, their bond is declared.
This past weekend, Solana did shine,
Field Day with WAARC, a moment divine,
With the Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club,
She immersed herself, her spirit did scrub.
A coach for the GOTA station, she guided with care,
For youth, a mentor, her wisdom to share,
The control operator on SSB she danced through the night,
A voice of passion, reaching great height.
But beyond the airwaves, her heart takes flight,
For dancing is her joy, a dazzling sight,
Ballet, Tap, and Contemporary too,
Her movements grace, her spirit anew.
Solana, our sunshine, a beacon so bright,
In the realm of ham radio, a radiant light,
May your journey be filled with joy and delight,
As you dance through life, forever taking flight.
Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA & AI
Penned for
Solana J Stevenson N4SOL
Mother Mari Ann KD4SGC
Patti Altona KB4PAT
Randy Altona W4YSN
All gave some Some gave all
No one can have a greater call
Whether for my country family or friends
There is no greater love that God can send
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
June 30, 2023
Do your kids and friends see you as you are
Do you want them too? Had you rather they gaze from afar
Am I one person when I leave the house and another when I return home
Do I walk the straight and narrow path or tend to weave and roam
The Path to Heaven is as straight as an Arrow
The path to hell is a very deep and a wide furrow
Lord help me to walk the straight and narrow
That my kids and friends see me as God sees the sparrow
June 28, 2023
We all have different priorities that's the way it should be
What's important to me you shouldn't necessarily be able to see
We are all different God made us that way for a reason
We all grow and bloom in our own season
Just because I'm an apple and you're an orange does not make me sad
In the salad of life, many ingredients are needed to make me glad
God's plan we cannot understand
I can only trust Him grasping His Helping Hand
June 28, 2023
I find myself in a desolate place no movement can be heard
Without movement no life not even the sound of a little bird
Looking around for a sound to hear
Straining nothing comes to my ear
Then listening with my soul a flood of music comes rushing in
There is life all around if I pause and listen from within
June 28, 2023
Keep going hand drawn poster with line art wave with rough edges. Cheerful phrase, cute card with doodle summer element. Positive, motivational slogan isolated on black. Vector illustration
No matter what happens in life I never stop
I pick myself up and continue the climb to the top
I have had many setbacks no one is perfect
Those offering well-meaning advice, I was not impressed
Unless I have walked that path burdened with a heavy load
I cannot offer advice until I've carried my cross down that road
God hold my hand, walk with me through the pain
That I might through you have a new life again
Thank you to my friends that never leave my side
That through Your Son Jesus I will forever abide
I pray the Glorious Love you have shown I may continue to pass on
Until I have completed the race and see your face at the break of dawn
I cannot explain the incredible peace I have within
Since I accepted Your Son Jesus and invited Him in
June 27, 2023
Penned for my friends
Changed Lives Ministry