The Camel Train

The camel train to Bethlehem was quite small 
Three Kings Following a Star hearing God's Call

The King of the ages was born that very day 
No room in the inn. In a straw manager, he lay

God in human form sent to save the lost souls of men
The animals bowed low showing their homage to him

The camel train to Bethelem was blessed that day
Following a light in their heart that will forever stay

Old King Herrod was deceived, his heart too dark to see 
The Glorious Star of Bethelem that lasts through eternity

The camel train to Bethelem made untold history that day
Leading mankind to the Star that remains in our hearts today

December 18, 2023

Mat 2:1  Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem,

December 13

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 25:17-18
"The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me out of my distresses. Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins."

In the midst of our deepest distresses, the psalmist’s cry to God resonates with the cry of our own hearts. Life’s challenges and afflictions often seem overwhelming, enlarging the troubles of our hearts. Yet, in these moments, we are invited to turn to our Heavenly Father, who sees and understands our struggles.

The psalmist not only asks for deliverance from troubles but also for forgiveness of sins, acknowledging that our spiritual well-being is intricately connected to our overall peace. Our Father knows best, and He is both willing and able to lift us out of our afflictions and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He offers us not just relief from external distress but also inner peace through His forgiveness and grace.

Loving Father, You see the burdens of my heart and the troubles that weigh me down. I ask for Your deliverance from these distresses. Consider my afflictions and grant me Your peace. Forgive all my sins, and restore my soul. Help me to trust in Your wisdom and goodness, knowing that You are always with me, guiding me through every trial. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

December 12

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

John 14:6-7
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.'"

In these profound words from Jesus, we find the essence of our relationship with God the Father. Jesus reveals Himself as the singular path to knowing and experiencing the Father’s love and wisdom. This passage emphasizes that our understanding of God is deeply intertwined with our relationship with Jesus. Through Jesus, we come to know the Father’s heart, His desires for us, and His ultimate plan for our lives.

When we face life's uncertainties and challenges, we can take comfort in knowing that our Father knows best. Just as Jesus is the way to the Father, He also guides us through life's journey. By following Jesus and embracing His teachings, we align ourselves with the truth and life that only He can provide.

Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Yourself through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to walk in His way, embrace His truth, and live the life He offers. May we trust in Your wisdom and guidance, knowing that You always know what is best for us. Strengthen our relationship with You through Jesus, and help us to reflect Your love and grace in all we do. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Action Step:
Spend time today meditating on the ways Jesus has revealed the Father to you. Reflect on how His truth has guided you through difficult times and how His life has brought you hope and joy. Consider how you can deepen your relationship with Him and share His love with others.

December 11

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 119:30
I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your rules before me.

Choosing the way of faithfulness is a deliberate and ongoing decision. It means committing to live according to God's principles and commands, even when it is difficult or unpopular. This verse from Psalm 119 highlights the psalmist's resolve to follow God's path and keep His rules at the forefront of his mind.

God's rules, found in His Word, are not restrictive but liberating. They guide us toward a life that is pleasing to Him and fulfilling for us. When we set God's rules before us, we align our lives with His will, experiencing the peace and joy that come from living in obedience to Him. Faithfulness requires dedication and a heart that continually seeks after God.

Dear Lord, I choose the way of faithfulness today. Help me to keep Your rules before me and to live according to Your Word. Give me strength and courage to remain faithful in all circumstances. Let Your principles guide my decisions and actions. Amen.

Consider the areas of your life where you can more fully embrace faithfulness. How can you set God's rules before you each day? Spend time reading and meditating on His Word, asking for His guidance and strength to walk in His ways.

The Brightest Days

The brightest days often follow the night,
When shadows retreat at the dawn’s first light.
Life is a puzzle, a game we play,
With trials that shape us along the way.

The path grows steep, the burdens immense,
Tests arrive, breaking our confidence.
But just as the darkness seems too much to bear,
A breakthrough whispers, “You’re almost there.”

Each challenge faced is a door to ascend,
A chance to grow, a means to transcend.
The trials refine us, like fire to gold,
Pushing us forward, brave and bold.

The game of life, with levels and foes,
Teaches us wisdom as each chapter flows.
Victories come, and the sun shines bright,
Until the next test emerges from night.

But take heart, for this is the way we grow,
Each cycle of struggle teaches us to know
That the darkest moments prepare the soul,
To reach higher levels, to become whole.

So hold on tightly, though the storm may rage,
You’re turning the chapter, you’re turning the page.
For after the night, the dawn will break through,
The brightest days are waiting for you.

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Psa 30:5  For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

The Brightest Days

The brightest days often follow the night,
When shadows retreat at the dawn’s first light.
Life is a puzzle, a game we play,
With trials that shape us along the way.

The path grows steep, the burdens immense,
Tests arrive, breaking our confidence.
But just as the darkness seems too much to bear,
A breakthrough whispers, “You’re almost there.”

Each challenge faced is a door to ascend,
A chance to grow, a means to transcend.
The trials refine us, like fire to gold,
Pushing us forward, brave and bold.

The game of life, with levels and foes,
Teaches us wisdom as each chapter flows.
Victories come, and the sun shines bright,
Until the next test emerges from night.

But take heart, for this is the way we grow,
Each cycle of struggle teaches us to know
That the darkest moments prepare the soul,
To reach higher levels, to become whole.

So hold on tightly, though the storm may rage,
You’re turning the chapter, you’re turning the page.
For after the night, the dawn will break through,
The brightest days are waiting for you.

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Psa 30:5  For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

December 10

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

These verses from Psalm 91 offer a profound promise of God's protection and care. To dwell in the shelter of the Most High means to live in close relationship with Him, constantly seeking His presence and guidance. It is a place of safety and peace, where we can rest knowing that we are under the watchful eye of our loving Father.

When we declare that the Lord is our refuge and fortress, we are acknowledging His sovereignty and power over all aspects of our lives. Trusting in God means relying on His strength and wisdom rather than our own. It means finding security not in worldly things but in the eternal and unchanging nature of our Creator.

Unto Us a Child is Born

Unto us, a child is born,
A gift of love on earth’s cold morn.
A Son is given, a light to shine,
God’s perfect promise, pure, divine.

The weight of the world upon His shoulder,
A King whose reign grows ever bolder.
Yet gentle He comes, with mercy’s embrace,
Bringing salvation, restoring grace.

Wonderful Counselor, wisdom’s guide,
In Him all truth and peace reside.
Mighty God, in strength He stands,
The sovereign ruler of all lands.

Everlasting Father, timeless and true,
His love endures in all we do.
Prince of Peace, His calm will reign,
Breaking the chains of sin and pain.

Unto us, this child is given,
A bridge to earth, a path to Heaven.
Rejoice, for His kingdom will never cease—
Jesus, our Savior, the Prince of Peace.

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Isa 9:6  For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

The Waiting Pickup

A Ford Model A at the crossing stands,
Dusty wheels on restless lands.
Its engine hums a patient song,
While the iron beast lumbers along.

The rails hum low, the ground does quake,
A moment of pause for history’s sake.
And then it comes—the mournful cry,
A steam whistle wail beneath the sky.

Two-tone sorrow, a voice of steel,
Echoing stories the tracks reveal.
Of journeys made and goodbyes said,
Of dreams that rode where the rails led.

The driver waits, hands firm on the wheel,
Lost in the sound, the weight he feels.
For time seems frozen, past meets now,
As the whistle’s howl whispers its vow.

When the train moves on and the crossing clears,
The pickup rolls forward, erasing fears.
Yet that steam whistle song lingers still,
A ghostly tune, a memory’s thrill.

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December 9

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 141:3
Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

Words hold immense power. They can build up or tear down, heal or hurt, bring peace or provoke conflict. The psalmist’s prayer for God to set a guard over his mouth is a profound acknowledgment of this power and a desire for divine help in controlling it.

Our Heavenly Father understands the impact of our words more than we do. He knows that what we say can affect our relationships, our witness, and our own hearts. This verse reminds us to seek God's guidance and restraint in our speech. When we ask Him to watch over our lips, we are inviting His wisdom and love to influence not only what we say but also how we say it.

Dear Lord, I ask that You set a guard over my mouth today. Help me to speak words that reflect Your love and grace. Keep me from saying things that might harm others or misrepresent You. Guide my thoughts so that my words can be a blessing to those around me. Amen.

Take a moment to reflect on the words you have spoken recently. Were they uplifting and kind? Consider how you can make a conscious effort to speak with love and wisdom, relying on God to guide your lips.