Dogs Live

Dogs die. But oh, how they live,
Every moment, they have love to give.
They bound through life, so brave and true,
With hearts that shine in all they do.

They guard their homes, their chosen pack,
With courage strong, they never look back.
Their wagging tails, their playful cheer,
Make every day feel bright and clear.

They don’t fear tomorrow, nor dwell on the past,
They savor each moment, knowing it won’t last.
They teach us joy, pure and unrefined,
A lesson in living we often can’t find.

So, though dogs die, they leave us their light,
A love eternal, a beacon so bright.
For in their short lives, they show us the way,
To live fully, to love, every single day.

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November 28

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)


As we gather on this Thanksgiving Day, surrounded by loved ones and blessings, it’s easy to give thanks for the good things—family, food, health, and happiness. But the heart of Thanksgiving is not just about acknowledging the obvious blessings. It’s about recognizing God’s hand in all circumstances, even in the ones that challenge us.

Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 call us to a higher standard of gratitude: “Give thanks in all circumstances.” This can be difficult when life feels heavy or when we’re walking through hardship. Yet, our Heavenly Father, who knows us intimately, assures us that even in difficult moments, He is working for our good.

When we look back on our lives, we can often see God’s wisdom and care in situations that were hard to understand at the time. Whether it’s a closed door, an unexpected delay, or a season of loss, God is always sovereign. His plans are higher, and His love is unwavering. Even when we don’t see it, He is crafting something beautiful from our pain and disappointment.

This Thanksgiving, let us embrace a spirit of gratitude not just for the visible blessings, but for the unseen ways God is working in our lives. Let us trust that our Father knows best—in every trial and triumph, His purpose prevails.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your constant love and guidance. Today, we give You thanks for the blessings we see and for the ones we don’t yet understand. Help us to trust Your will in all circumstances, knowing that You are always good and Your plans for us are perfect. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and peace, as we rest in the knowledge that You are in control. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take a moment today to reflect on a challenging circumstance in your life. Offer it up to God in gratitude, trusting that He is working through it for your good, even if you cannot yet see the outcome.

Not Alone

Sometimes, when shadows cloud our day,
We don’t need words to light the way.
No questions asked, no answers sought,
Just quiet company, deeply thought.

A presence near, no need to speak,
No solutions offered, no wisdom to seek.
For feelings twist and turn and ache,
And understanding sometimes takes its break.

The burden is ours, too heavy to share,
Yet their silent warmth shows they care.
They sit, they stay, without demand,
Their quiet strength, a steady hand.

No “You’re not alone” needs to be said,
The comfort’s in their stillness instead.
For in that moment, with them near,
The weight feels lighter, the world less severe.

Sometimes, a breath, a touch, a glance,
Is all it takes to shift the stance.
Not alone—that truth’s enough,
To remind us we’re held, even when life’s tough.

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Peace Eternal

We must make a choice, both firm and clear,
To seek what God holds ever dear.
A deliberate path, a faithful quest,
To align our hearts with what is best.

When problems rise, perplexing, vast,
And the shadows of doubt begin to cast,
Pause and ask, with a heart sincere,
“Is this what Christ would hold near?”

Does this reflect His mercy, His grace,
Or the world’s pull, its fleeting embrace?
Is it love, or pride, that guides my hand?
Is it His truth, or shifting sand?

For the spirit opposed will lead astray,
Whispering lies to darken the way.
But Christ’s light shines, steadfast, true,
Revealing the path we are called to pursue.

So choose each moment, with faith refined,
To fix your heart, your soul, your mind.
On what brings glory to His name,
And honors the One who forever reigns.

A deliberate life, a heart aligned,
With God’s desires, His grand design.
For in His purpose, we’ll always find,
Peace eternal, both pure and kind.

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November 27

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best

By Mark Waldrop


1 Timothy 6:17-19

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Devotional Thought:

In our materialistic world, it’s easy to place our trust in wealth and possessions. However, 1 Timothy 6:17-19 reminds us that wealth is uncertain and unreliable. Instead, we are encouraged to put our hope in God, who is the true provider of all things. Our Father knows best and desires for us to find security and fulfillment in Him, not in temporary riches.

Paul instructs those who are rich not to be arrogant or rely on their wealth but to be generous, doing good, and sharing with others. This attitude of generosity reflects God’s own nature and aligns us with His will. By being rich in good deeds and willing to share, we store up true treasures in heaven, building a firm foundation for eternity.

Living generously and focusing on good deeds allows us to experience the “life that is truly life.” This life is not measured by material wealth but by the richness of our relationship with God and the impact we have on others through our kindness and generosity.


Consider your attitude towards wealth and possessions. Are you placing your hope in material things, or are you trusting in God’s provision? How can you be more generous and rich in good deeds? Reflect on ways you can share your resources and blessings with others, laying up treasures in heaven.


Heavenly Father, help me to place my hope and trust in You rather than in wealth and possessions. Teach me to be generous, to do good, and to share willingly with others. May my life reflect Your goodness and bring glory to Your name. Show me how to lay up treasures in heaven and take hold of the life that is truly life. Amen.

The Day’s Final Victory

Finally in bed, the battles cease,
A fleeting moment of quiet peace.
The pillow whispers its softest lore,
While the blanket shields like a closing door.

The world spins on; it can wait its turn,
For now, there’s no need to fret or yearn.
Dreams await in their gentle embrace,
A sanctuary from life’s frantic pace.

So close your eyes, let the darkness dwell,
Good night, dear heart, and sleep so well.
Tomorrow will come with its trials anew,
But for now, the night belongs to you.

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My life isn’t perfect, but that’s okay,
I wake with gratitude every day.
Though storms may gather, skies may gray,
I find the light along the way.

The dreams I chased, not all came true,
Yet blessings abound, both old and new.
A roof, a meal, a warm embrace,
Love surrounds me in every space.

Perfection’s a shadow, a fleeting thing,
But joy is found in the song I sing.
In simple moments, my heart takes flight,
Grateful for the gifts in plainest sight.

For every trial, a lesson learned,
For every loss, a love returned.
The road is rugged, the journey steep,
But in my soul, God’s peace I keep.

So here I stand, both flawed and free,
Thankful for all that’s given to me.
Perfect or not, I take my stand,
A grateful heart, a life in hand.

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The single most miscalculation I made
Across these almost seventy-eight years,
Was to think intellect could forge a blade
Sharper than mercy, gentler than tears.

I once believed that wisdom’s fire
Could light the way through shadowed lands,
That reason’s climb would take me higher,
Beyond the need for softer hands.

But the head, though strong, cannot replace
The heart that bends, the soul that gives.
For mercy flows with boundless grace,
And through such love, the spirit lives.

In chasing truth, I overlooked
The simple kindness I received,
And only now, with pages booked,
Do I see where I was deceived.

Mercy mends where logic fractures,
Grace rebuilds where reason fails.
Love sustains through all life’s chapters,
When intellect’s bright flame pales.

So as I near the twilight’s gleam,
I cherish mercy’s warm embrace,
And walk with grace, my final theme
The wisest path, the truest place.

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November 26

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 119:7
I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.

Devotional Thought:
Our journey of faith is a continuous process of learning and growing in God's wisdom. Psalm 119:7 highlights the importance of praising God with an upright heart as we learn His righteous laws. This verse reminds us that our understanding and obedience to God's laws are deeply connected to our worship and praise.

An upright heart is one that seeks to align with God's will, motivated by a sincere desire to honor Him. As we delve into His Word and discover His righteous laws, we are not merely acquiring knowledge but transforming our hearts and lives. This transformation leads us to praise God authentically, acknowledging His wisdom and goodness in every aspect of our lives.

God's laws are not burdensome rules but guidelines for living a fulfilling and righteous life. They are expressions of His love and care for us, designed to lead us to the best path. Our Father knows what is best for us, and by learning and following His laws, we experience the fullness of life He intends for us.

Reflect on your approach to God's Word. Are you eager to learn His righteous laws and apply them to your life? How can you cultivate an upright heart that seeks to praise God in all circumstances? Consider setting a regular time for Bible study and prayer, asking God to reveal His wisdom and guide your steps.

Heavenly Father, I praise You with an upright heart. Teach me Your righteous laws and help me to understand and apply them in my life. May my praise be a reflection of my sincere desire to honor You. Guide me in Your truth and lead me in the way everlasting. Amen.

Living Example of Humanity

Amid the frozen mountain’s breath,
Where life contends with icy death,
A mother goat, her labor near,
Faced nature’s trial, sharp and sheer.

A shepherdess, so brave and kind,
With strength of heart and steadfast mind,
Bent to the task, no thought of rest,
She bore the mother on her chest.

Beside her, loyal through the storm,
Her faithful dog, a steadfast form,
Took up the baby, frail and new,
And carried life where none else knew.

Through jagged paths and bitter cold,
A tale of courage, fierce and bold,
Unfolded on that mountain steep,
Where love and care refused to sleep.

A frozen world, a beating heart,
Each playing their heroic part,
A girl, a dog, a life to save,
Humanity’s finest—pure and brave.

So let this moment, caught in frame,
Forever speak of love’s great claim,
That even in the harshest lands,
Hope endures by human hands.

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