It’s Sunday, the air is calm and still, The week of Thanksgiving, a time to feel. No complaints on my lips, no requests to impart, Just gratitude flowing straight from my heart.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of this day, For breath in my lungs, for moments to pray. For the rising sun and the life You bestow, For Your grace that sustains and helps me grow.
No matter the trials, the highs or the lows, Your love is the anchor my spirit knows. So today, I pause, with no need to strive, Just thankful, O God, to simply be alive.
Daily Devotional Theme: Our Father Knows Best by Mark Waldrop
Scripture: Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Devotional Thought: In a world where outward appearances and superficial qualities are often celebrated, it's easy to be swayed by what seems attractive on the surface. Yet, God teaches us that true worth is not found in charm or beauty, which can be deceptive and fleeting. Instead, the essence of a person's value lies in their reverence and relationship with the Lord.
A woman who fears the Lord understands that her identity and worth come from God, not from societal standards or external validations. This fear of the Lord is not about being afraid, but about having deep respect, reverence, and awe for God. It’s about living in a way that honors Him and seeks to follow His guidance and wisdom in every aspect of life.
God knows best what is truly valuable and enduring. He sees beyond our outward appearances and understands the depth of our hearts. A life lived in fear of the Lord is marked by wisdom, humility, and genuine faith, leading to a beauty that surpasses mere physical appearance. This inner beauty, nurtured by a relationship with God, shines through and is worthy of praise.
Reflection: Consider what you value most in yourself and in others. Are you placing importance on what is fleeting, or are you focusing on cultivating a deep, respectful relationship with God? Reflect on how you can shift your priorities to align more closely with what God values.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to see beyond the surface and to value what You value. Teach me to fear You in the way that brings wisdom and honor into my life. May my life be a reflection of Your love and grace, and may I always seek to honor You above all else. Amen.
I may have many years of faith, From the time I first believed, But it’s not the length of knowing Him, That determines what I’ve achieved.
It’s not the years that count the most, But the love in every deed, The steps I take in faith each day, To serve where there is need.
For faith is not a passive gift, But a journey to impart, A living trust, a constant walk, With Christ within my heart.
So let my years in faith be shown, Not in time, but in my care, In kindness, hope, and truth I give, And in His love I share.
May my actions speak of Him I know, May my life His grace recount, For it’s not the years of knowing that count, But the faith in action that surmounts.
Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best By Mark Waldrop
Scripture: Proverbs 4:7 "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight."
Reflection: Proverbs 4:7 emphasizes the paramount importance of wisdom and insight in our lives. Solomon, known for his wisdom, advises us to seek wisdom as a foundational principle. This pursuit is not just about acquiring knowledge but about understanding and applying it in our daily lives.
Our Father knows that true wisdom begins with a reverent relationship with Him. It is through this relationship that we gain the insight needed to navigate life's complexities. Wisdom helps us discern right from wrong, make sound decisions, and live in a way that honors God and benefits others.
To "get wisdom" involves actively seeking it through prayer, study of the Scriptures, and learning from the experiences of others. It requires humility, recognizing that we don't have all the answers and that we need God's guidance. Insight, on the other hand, involves a deeper understanding of the principles behind the knowledge we acquire, allowing us to apply it effectively in various situations.
Living with wisdom and insight means trusting in God's perfect plan and His timing. Our Father knows best how to lead us, and by seeking His wisdom, we align ourselves with His will. This not only brings clarity and direction but also peace and confidence in our journey.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of wisdom and insight. Help us to seek Your wisdom above all else, understanding that true wisdom begins with a reverent relationship with You. Guide our hearts and minds as we navigate life’s challenges, and teach us to apply Your principles in our daily lives. Thank You for knowing what is best for us and leading us with Your perfect wisdom. Amen.
Thought for the Day: Seek wisdom and insight diligently, knowing that our Father knows best. Trust in His guidance and let His wisdom direct your path, bringing clarity, peace, and confidence to your life.
Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best By Mark Waldrop
Scripture: Exodus 7:7 "Now Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three years old, when they spoke to Pharaoh."
Reflection: Exodus 7:7 reveals that Moses and Aaron were in their eightie when they were called to lead the Israelit out of Egypt. This fact is significant because it highlights that God’s timing and choice of instruments are perfect, regardless of human perceptions of age or capability.
Our Father knows best when it comes to using us for His purposes. Moses and Aaron might have seemed too old for such a daunting task, yet God chose them to fulfill His plan. This teaches us that we are never too old or too young to be used by God. He equips and empowers us at every stage of life to accomplish His will.
God’s call to Moses and Aaron reminds us that He values experience, wisdom, and maturity. It also encourages us to remain open and obedient to His call, no matter our age or circumstances. God’s plans often defy human logic, but they are always perfect and accomplished through His strength and wisdom.
This scripture also invites us to trust in God’s timing. Moses and Aaron spent many years in preparation before stepping into their roles as leaders. Likewise, we can trust that God’s timing in our lives is perfect, and He is preparing us for the tasks He has planned for us. When the time comes, He will provide the strength and guidance we need.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect timing and wisdom. Help us to trust in Your plans for our lives, regardless of our age or circumstances. Strengthen our faith and make us willing vessels for Your purposes. Use us, as You used Moses and Aaron, to accomplish Your will. Amen.
Thought for the Day: Trust in God's perfect timing and His ability to use you at any age. Our Father knows best and equips us for His purposes, regardless of human limitations. Be open and obedient to His call, and rely on His strength and wisdom to guide you.
Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best By Mark Waldrop
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:4 "And my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,"
Reflection: In 1 Corinthians 2:4, Paul emphasizes that the effectiveness of his message did not rely on eloquent speech or human wis, but on the power of the Holy Spirit. This underscores a crucial truth: our reliance should be on God's power rather than our own abilities.
Our Father knows that true transformation and conviction come from the work of the Holy Spirit. Human wisdom and persuasive words can only go so far, but the Spirit's power can penetrate hearts and change lives in ways that human effort cannot. This encourages us to depend on God's Spirit in all that we do, trusting that His power will accomplish what we cannot.
This verse also reminds us of the importance of humility in our service to God. Recognizing that it is the Spirit's power at work, not our own skills or knowledge, keeps us humble and reliant on God. It frees us from the pressure to perform and allows us to be vessels through which God's power can flow.
When we share the gospel or serve others, we should focus on demonstrating the Spirit's power through our lives. This means living in a way that reflects God's love, grace, and truth, and allowing the Spirit to work through us. Our Father knows best how to reach the hearts of others, and He uses us as instruments of His power and presence.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the power of Your Spirit at work in our lives. Help us to rely not on our own wisdom or abilities, but on Your Spirit's power. Use us as vessels to demonstrate Your love and truth to others. Keep us humble and dependent on You, trusting that You know best how to accomplish Your purposes through us. Amen.
Thought for the Day:
Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, not on your own abilities. Trust that our Father knows best and will work through you to demonstrate His love and truth. Let His Spirit guide and empower you in all that you do.
A melody rising through all life’s days. Soft whispers of hope, or jubilant cries, A harmony soaring to infinite skies.
Each heart sings a tune, unique and sincere, Shaped by its journey, its trials, its tears. For prayers are as varied as stars in the night, Yet all find their way to the Source of light.
In joy or in sorrow, in love or despair, Praise is the answer, the soul’s silent prayer. A chorus of faith, in countless ways, Uniting us all in a symphony of praise.
Did you ever live on a farm so still, Where the work was hard, and the air had a chill? Dreading the task of the tough stump row, A test of resolve where progress was slow.
That dreaded day finally came at last, The sun beat down, the hours dragged past. I lowered my head, bit my lip, pressed on, Each swing of the hoe sang a stubborn song.
Some days in life are just like that row, Starting out rough with nowhere to go. But step by step, with grit in your hand, You clear the way, and you take your stand.
For persistence and faith will see you through, With every strike, you’re born anew. Never giving up will shape your soul, Turning toil into triumph, and making you whole.
Never leave home without a kiss, a hug, An “I love you” whispered, warm and snug. For life is fragile, its course unknown, And moments once lost are forever gone.
You never know when the last goodbye Might linger softly beneath the sky. So hold them close, let your heart be true, Speak love aloud in all you do.
Cherish every single moment shared, Each fleeting second shows you care. For the greatest gift we give, and receive, Is love that lingers when we must leave.