A Tough Row to Hoe

Did you ever live on a farm so still,
Where the work was hard, and the air had a chill?
Dreading the task of the tough stump row,
A test of resolve where progress was slow.

That dreaded day finally came at last,
The sun beat down, the hours dragged past.
I lowered my head, bit my lip, pressed on,
Each swing of the hoe sang a stubborn song.

Some days in life are just like that row,
Starting out rough with nowhere to go.
But step by step, with grit in your hand,
You clear the way, and you take your stand.

For persistence and faith will see you through,
With every strike, you’re born anew.
Never giving up will shape your soul,
Turning toil into triumph, and making you whole.

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Cherish Every Moment

Never leave home without a kiss, a hug,
An “I love you” whispered, warm and snug.
For life is fragile, its course unknown,
And moments once lost are forever gone.

You never know when the last goodbye
Might linger softly beneath the sky.
So hold them close, let your heart be true,
Speak love aloud in all you do.

Cherish every single moment shared,
Each fleeting second shows you care.
For the greatest gift we give, and receive,
Is love that lingers when we must leave.

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Let’s Tell Our Story

Let us tell our story, both bitter and sweet,
Of the mountains we’ve climbed, the valleys we meet.
Of heartaches endured, the tears that we’ve shed,
The lessons we’ve learned, the paths where we’re led.

Let us tell of the joy that brightened our days,
Of laughter and love in life’s winding maze.
Of moments of triumph, of dreams brought to light,
Of courage that carried us through the night.

Let us tell of forgiveness, the healing it brings,
The weight it lifts, the freedom it sings.
Of letting go burdens, the grace to restore,
A soul once broken, now whole once more.

Let us tell of the glory, the beauty divine,
Of hope that endures, of love’s perfect design.
Of the strength we have found in the storms that we faced,
And the faith that sustained us through trials embraced.

Our story is woven with sorrow and cheer,
With threads of redemption and grace ever near.
So let us tell boldly, for all hearts to see,
The tapestry woven through you and through me.

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November 20

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Romans 1:16
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

In Romans 1:16, Paul boldly declares his confidence in the gospel. He understands that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. This powerful truth transcends cultural and ethnic boundaries, offering hope and redemption to all.

Our Father knows the transformative power of the gospel. He has designed it to bring salvation and new life to everyone who accepts it. When we embrace the gospel, we are accepting God's perfect plan for our redemption, recognizing His wisdom and love in providing a way for us to be reconciled with Him.

Paul’s declaration also challenges us to live unashamedly for Christ. In a world where the message of the gospel can be met with resistance or indifference, we are called to stand firm in our faith, knowing that God’s power is at work through the gospel. Our Father knows best, and His plan of salvation is the greatest expression of His love and wisdom.

Being unashamed of the gospel means sharing it with confidence and joy. It means letting the truth of God’s love and salvation shine through our words and actions. When we understand the depth of what God has done for us, it compels us to share this good news with others, trusting that God’s power will work in their lives just as it has in ours.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the power of the gospel and the salvation it brings to all who believe. Help us to live unashamedly for You, boldly proclaiming Your truth and love. Strengthen our faith and use us to share the gospel with others, trusting in Your wisdom and power. May our lives be a testament to Your transformative grace. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Live boldly and unashamedly for Christ, trusting in the power of the gospel. Our Father knows best, and His plan of salvation is a gift of love and wisdom for all who believe. Share this good news with confidence, knowing that God’s power is at work through you.

The Road of a Caregiver

Caregivers walk a path unseen,
Through shadows soft, where few have been.
They carry loads they do not share,
A quiet strength, a silent care.

They give their time, their hearts, their all,
Answering every whispered call.
Their days are long, their nights unsure,
Yet love and duty help endure.

They trade their dreams, they set aside,
The fleeting joys for which they’ve cried.
A social life, a carefree day,
Are sacrifices on their way.

The toll it takes, the silent ache,
The heavy heart that will not break.
Yet you won’t see their struggles plain,
Their smiles conceal their hidden strain.

To walk this road is hard, it’s true,
Until you’ve worn their weary shoe.
So honor those who give and give,
For they show us how love can live.

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Walk With Me

Walk with me; don’t just walk me,
Feel the world as I feel it to be.
Slow your steps, let time unwind,
There’s wonder here if you’re inclined.

The autumn chill, crisp and rare,
Carries whispers in the air.
Leaves crunch beneath my eager paws,
Each one a tale, each scent a cause.

A squirrel darts, its heart a drum,
The wind hums tunes from where it’s come.
Traces linger, faint yet true—
A cat, a flower, a morning dew.

You tug the leash, your thoughts elsewhere,
Yet the world is calling, rich and fair.
The sun spills gold through branch and bough,
Its fleeting beauty whispers “now.”

Hear the leaves, their rhythm sweet,
Like nature’s music at our feet.
Feel the air, cool, alive,
This is where our souls revive.

For me, this walk is a grand parade,
An endless story freshly made.
Each scent, each sound, a vivid clue,
A tapestry of life in view.

So pause a while, let stillness reign,
Feel the earth and shed the strain.
Walk with me, don’t just walk me,
Discover the magic I long for you to see.

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What Truly Matters

It’s not the wealth we amass,
Nor the treasures we hold,
Not the glittering gems,
Nor the silver and gold.

It’s the hearts that we cherish,
The bonds that we share,
The love and the laughter,
The moments that care.

For life is but fleeting,
A whisper, a sigh,
And possessions will fade,
As the years pass us by.

But the hands that we hold,
And the voices we hear,
Bring warmth to our souls,
And make life so dear.

So measure your riches
Not in things but in ties,
In the love of your circle,
Where true meaning lies.

For it’s not what we have,
But who walks by our side,
That gives life its value,
Its purpose, its pride.

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November 19

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Luke 15:20
"And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him."

This verse from the parable of the Prodigal Son vividly portrays the depth of God's love and compassion for us. The father’s response to his returning son is a powerful reminder of how our Heavenly Father reacts when we turn back to Him after straying.

The father saw his son while he was still a long way off, indicating that he had been eagerly waiting and watching for his return. This reflects God’s heart for us. He is always looking out for us, ready to welcome us back with open arms, no matter how far we have wandered. Our Father knows our hearts and our struggles, and His compassion is boundless.

The father's actions—running to his son, embracing him, and kissing him—demonstrate unconditional love and forgiveness. God’s love for us is not contingent on our past mistakes or failures. When we decide to return to Him, He meets us with joy and acceptance. This teaches us about the grace and mercy of God, who is always ready to forgive and restore us.

This parable encourages us to approach God with confidence and humility, knowing that He will not reject us. It also reminds us to reflect His love and compassion in our interactions with others, extending forgiveness and grace just as we have received it from our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your incredible love and compassion. Thank You for always watching over us and being ready to welcome us back with open arms. Help us to turn to You with confidence, knowing that You are eager to forgive and restore us. May we reflect Your love and grace in our lives, embracing others with the same compassion You show us. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
No matter how far you have wandered, your Heavenly Father is always ready to welcome you back with open arms. Trust in His unconditional love and forgiveness, and let His compassion guide you in your interactions with others.

November 18

Daily Devotional:  Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 145:18-19
"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their c and saves them."

Psalm 145:18-19 offers a profound reassurance of God’s closeness and responsiveness to His people. Our Father is always near to those who seek Him sincerely, and He delights in fulfilling the desires of those who revere Him. These verses highlight the intimacy and care that characterize our relationship with God.

When we call on the Lord in truth, we approach Him with honesty, openness, and faith. This genuine seeking of God aligns our hearts with His, opening the door to a deeper relationship. Our Father knows our needs, hopes, and desires, and He is eager to respond to our earnest prayers.

The promise that God fulfills the desires of those who fear Him reminds us of the importance of reverence and respect for God. When we live in awe of His majesty and submit to His will, we position ourselves to receive His blessings and guidance. Our Father knows what is best for us, and His answers to our prayers are always rooted in His perfect wisdom and love.

God’s promise to hear our cries and save us is a testament to His compassion and faithfulness. In times of trouble, we can confidently turn to Him, knowing that He is attentive to our pleas and ready to deliver us. This assurance gives us hope and strength, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your nearness and Your promise to hear our prayers. Help us to seek You in truth and to live in reverence of Your majesty. Thank You for fulfilling our desires and for being our Savior in times of need. Strengthen our faith and remind us of Your unfailing love and wisdom. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Call on the Lord with a sincere heart, knowing that our Father is near and ready to respond. Trust in His wisdom and love, and take comfort in His promise to hear your cries and fulfill your desires.

With Love not Hate

Serve your politics with love, not spite,
With kindness guiding what is right.
For words of anger tear apart,
But love can heal a broken heart.

Let compassion shape your stand,
Extend to others a helping hand.
Debate with grace, not bitter blame,
For unity is the greater aim.

Hate may shout, but love will stay,
To build the bridges hate would fray.
The world needs voices calm and true,
Who seek the good in all they do.

So serve with love in every word,
Let hope be louder, always heard.
For politics, when love leads through,
Can change the world—and me, and you.

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