Headed Home

Some are headed home,
While others destined here to stay,
On Heaven’s wings, at sunset’s glow,
We rise, we soar, we drift away.

The skies alight with gentle grace,
A path beyond the end of day,
Where shadows fade, and sorrows cease,
And peace enfolds in soft array.

For those who stay, remember well,
In dreams and whispers, love remains
A silent bond, a sacred spell,
That bridges worlds, despite the chains.

But some are called, and some remain,
Each journey carved, each step our own,
Yet bound by heart, through joy and pain,
We walk apart but not alone.

So when the evening’s colors die,
And starlight graces dusk’s display,
Know that on Heaven’s wings we fly
Some of us home, some bound to stay.

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A Bark Away

Illustration by Steve Anderson
Heaven is just a bark away,
A wagging tail, a joyful play.
Where paws leave prints in stardust skies,
And loving gazes never die.

A place where fetch goes on for miles,
And every day brings endless smiles.
A land where treats fall like the rain,
And old aches vanish, leaving no pain.

The fields are wide, the rivers clear,
With friends we’ve lost, now waiting here.
They run, they leap, they chase the day—
For heaven is just a bark away.

And though our hearts may ache with grief,
In memories, we find relief.
For love like theirs can never part,
It stays forever in our heart.

So when the night is calm and still,
I feel a warmth, a gentle thrill,
A whisper soft, from skies so gray
Heaven is just a bark away.

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I Found a Paw

When I needed a hand, I found a paw,
Soft and steady, without a flaw.
In silence you came, with eyes so true,
A faithful friend when skies were blue.

Through quiet nights and weary days,
You stood by me in gentle ways.
With every wag, a promise made,
In your warmth, my fears would fade.

A tender touch, a nudge, a cheer,
You sensed each doubt, each hidden tear.
No words were needed, just your gaze,
Guiding me through life’s maze.

When the world felt cold and thin,
Your paw was there, inviting me in.
A comfort pure, no need to speak,
A bond unbroken, strong yet meek.

So here’s to paws that heal and mend,
To the truest love a heart can send.
When I needed a hand, I found so much more—
I found a friend worth living for.

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November 6

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best

Matthew 7:11
"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"

This verse from Matthew 7:11 is a profound reminder of God’s loving and generous nature. Jesus uses the analogy of earthly parents to highlight how much more our Heavenly Father desires to give us good things. Even flawed human parents know how to provide for their children, so how much more can we trust in the perfect love and wisdom of our Father in heaven?

When we consider our requests and desires, it’s comforting to remember that God knows what is best for us. He sees the bigger picture and understands our needs far better than we do. Our Father is not just willing but eager to provide for us in ways that align with His perfect will.

This promise encourages us to come to God with our requests, knowing that He hears us and cares deeply about our needs. It’s a call to trust in His goodness and to have confidence that He will give us what is truly good for us. Sometimes, this might mean that His answers look different from what we expect, but we can be assured that His gifts are always rooted in love and wisdom.

As we pray and seek God’s provision, let’s do so with the assurance that our Father knows best. He delights in blessing His children, and we can rest in the knowledge that His plans for us are good.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your incredible love and generosity. Help us to trust in Your perfect wisdom and to bring our requests before You with confidence. Teach us to rely on Your goodness, knowing that You always give us what is best. Strengthen our faith and remind us daily of Your unfailing love. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Trust in the goodness and generosity of your Heavenly Father. He knows what is best for you and delights in giving good things to those who ask Him. Rest in His perfect love and wisdom.

November 5

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Colossians 2:9-10
"For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority."

These verses from Colossians remind us of the profound truth about Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him. In Jesus, the fullness of deity dwells bodily. This means that Jesus is fully God, embodying all the attributes and power of the divine. Understanding this helps us grasp the magnitude of His authority and love.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are filled in Him. This means that we are complete in Him, lacking nothing because we have the fullness of Christ within us. Our Father knows that in our own strength, we are incomplete and often feel insufficient. But in Jesus, we are made whole.

Jesus, who is the head of all rule and authority, has the power to guide and sustain us through every situation. Trusting in His supremacy and His presence within us gives us the confidence to face life’s challenges. We are not alone; we are empowered by the One who holds all authority.

Living in this truth encourages us to rely on Jesus for wisdom, strength, and direction. Our Father’s plan for us includes living in the fullness of Christ, experiencing His love and power daily. This perspective transforms how we see ourselves and our circumstances, knowing that we are equipped and complete in Him.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the fullness of Jesus Christ and the completeness we have in Him. Help us to remember that we are filled with His presence and empowered by His authority. Strengthen our faith and guide us to live confidently in the truth of Your Word. May we trust that You know best and find our sufficiency in Christ alone. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
In Jesus, we find our fullness and completeness. Trust in His divine presence and authority, knowing that our Father knows best and has equipped us with everything we need in Him.

Bridging the Divide

When politics rise and tempers ignite,
Let us not rush to argue or fight.
For family and friends are treasures we hold,
Worth more than opinions or stories retold.

Let us listen with patience, speak with care,
Set judgment aside, and show we’re aware
That beyond every view, every stance, every side,
Is a heart, a soul, a love that abides.

Hold space for the thoughts that differ from yours,
As if opening gently a set of new doors.
For behind each belief lies a life and a pain,
A story unseen, a hope or a strain.

Let kindness be louder than points to be scored,
With empathy found in each gentle word.
Agree to disagree if that’s what it takes,
But honor the bond that no quarrel should break.

In a world that divides, let us build a way,
To love past the lines that words can’t sway.
For when all is said and opinions fade,
It’s the heart and the love that will always remain.

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Love Laugh Live Give

Love with a heart that’s open wide,
A warmth no hurt can hide.
Love fiercely, love deep,
In memories to keep.

Laugh like the world’s your stage,
Breaking free from life’s cage.
Let joy fill the air,
A moment pure and rare.

Live with courage and grace,
Boldly take your place.
Chase dreams, face fears,
Gather life’s souvenirs.

Give with hands that heal,
In kindness, find what’s real.
Share, don’t withhold,
In giving, hearts unfold.

So love, laugh, live, and give,
In these, find reason to truly live.

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November 4

Daily Devotion: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Matthew 10:12
"As you enter the house, greet it."

This simple instruction from Jesus to His disciples as they went out to spread the Good News holds a profound lesson about the way we approach others and the places we enter. Greeting a house signifies bringing peace, goodwill, and a blessing to those within. It’s an act of kindness that opens the door to meaningful connections and fosters a welcoming atmosphere.

Our Father knows the power of small gestures and how they can transform interactions. A warm greeting can set the tone for a positive encounter, breaking down barriers and creating a space for God's love to be shared. When we enter any space—be it a home, a workplace, or even a public setting—our attitude and approach can make a significant difference.

By greeting the house, we acknowledge the presence of God in that place and invite His peace and blessing to rest upon it. This simple act reminds us that we are ambassadors of Christ, carrying His love and peace wherever we go. It’s a way of aligning our actions with His will, trusting that our Father knows best how to use us to touch others' lives.

This verse also encourages us to be mindful of the environments we enter and the people we meet. Every interaction is an opportunity to reflect God’s love and to bring His presence into the lives of others. Whether through a smile, a kind word, or a heartfelt greeting, we can make a profound impact.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity to bring Your peace and love into the places we enter. Help us to greet each house, each person, with the kindness and goodwill that reflect Your heart. May our actions be a testament to Your presence and love, and may we trust that You know best how to use us to bless others. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
A simple greeting can open the door to God’s blessings. Trust in the power of small gestures and remember that our Father knows best how to use our kindness to touch the lives of those we meet.

Judge Me Not

I’m not a bad person; I just lost my way,
Led by shadows where I meant to stray.
I stumbled along with the wrong crowd’s call,
Not knowing I’d trip, not meaning to fall.

I was searching for somewhere to belong,
But the voices I followed led me wrong.
In moments of weakness, I made my choice,
Silencing reason, ignoring my voice.

But deep within, I still know who I am,
Not the broken shell or the misplaced plan.
I’ve learned from the dark, I’ve found the light,
And I’m standing now, ready to make things right.

Mistakes don’t define me, they’re not my name;
They’re echoes of lessons, not badges of shame.
I’m more than my missteps, more than my past—
A heart that is healing, a spirit steadfast.

So judge me not by where I’ve been,
But see where I’m going, what lies within.
For I’m not a bad person, I just lost my way,
And I’m finding myself with each new day.

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Our Past is Where Our Future Begins

Our past doesn’t have to be our prison,
The chains of yesterday can break.
Mistakes and scars that left their mark
Are lessons learned, not paths to take.

Each dawn brings light, a chance to start,
To leave the shadows cast behind.
We’re free to step beyond regret,
With strength and peace in heart and mind.

The weight of guilt can fall away,
No burden must we carry on.
For grace renews what’s worn and weak,
And faith restores what’s almost gone.

The bars that held us fade in time,
As hope and love begin to grow.
Our past is not our final truth—
We’re more than what we used to know.

So rise with courage, bold and free,
No longer bound by loss or sin.
Our past may shape the lives we lead,
But it’s the future we begin.

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