September 21

Daily Devotional Theme: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: Hebrews 13:3
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

This verse calls us to deep empathy and compassion, urging us to remember and care for those who are imprisoned and mistreated. Our Father knows best how interconnected we are and how our compassion and support can uplift those who are suffering. He desires us to embody His love by sharing in the burdens of others.

When we place ourselves in the shoes of those who are suffering, we reflect the heart of Christ, who bore our burdens and suffered on our behalf. This perspective not only honors God but also strengthens our community and deepens our faith. By remembering those who are imprisoned and mistreated, we practice Christ-like love and fulfill our calling to serve and support one another.

Heavenly Father, help me to remember and care for those who are imprisoned and mistreated. Fill my heart with compassion and empathy, and guide me in ways to support and uplift them. May my actions reflect Your love and bring comfort to those in need. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Pray: Spend time in prayer today for those who are imprisoned and mistreated. Ask God to bring them comfort, justice, and hope.

Support: Consider ways you can support prisoners and the mistreated. This could be through volunteering, writing letters of encouragement, or supporting organizations that work with these groups.

Empathize: Reflect on what it might feel like to be in their situation. Allow this empathy to shape your actions and attitudes towards those who are suffering.

Share: Share this message with others to raise awareness and encourage collective support for those in need.

By remembering and caring for those who are suffering, we follow our Father’s guidance, showing that He knows best how our love and compassion can make a profound impact on others' lives.

Jesus Knew

Jesus knew, as clear as day,  
That dividing lines lead hearts astray.
When walls are built, we stand apart,
And fear can harden every heart.

But a shared meal, a simple grace,
Can soften the harshest face.
Around the table, side by side,
Our differences no longer divide.

For in the breaking of the bread,
Love is spoken, not just said.
In every bite, a truth we find:
We are all of one kind.

No longer enemies, we see,
Our shared humanity set free.
Jesus knew, and shows us still,
That love, not lines, fulfills God’s will.

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September 20

Daily Devotional Theme: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:14
For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

This verse reminds us of God's perfect knowledge and justice. Our Father sees all our actions, even those hidden from others, and He will bring every deed into judgment. This truth calls us to live with integrity and righteousness, knowing that nothing is hidden from God.

Understanding that God knows best encourages us to align our lives with His will. It motivates us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. By living in awareness of His omniscience and justice, we cultivate a life that honors Him and reflects His holiness.

We can take comfort in knowing that God is fair and just. He sees both the good and the evil, and His judgment is perfect. This assurance helps us to trust Him fully, strive for goodness, and seek forgiveness and transformation where we fall short.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect knowledge and justice. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You, knowing that You see all my deeds. Give me the strength to act with integrity and righteousness. Forgive my shortcomings and guide me to walk in Your ways. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Examine: Take time today to examine your actions and attitudes. Are there areas of your life where you need to seek God's forgiveness or make changes to align with His will?

Confess: Bring any hidden sins or struggles before God in prayer. Confess them and ask for His guidance and strength to overcome them.

Act: Commit to an act of goodness or justice today, whether it's helping someone in need, being honest in a challenging situation, or showing kindness to a stranger.

Reflect: Reflect on the assurance that God’s judgment is fair and just. Let this assurance bring peace and motivate you to live a life that honors Him.

By living with the awareness that our Father knows best and will judge every deed, we can strive to live a life of integrity and righteousness, trusting in His perfect justice.

Forgotten Battles

My generation, born in ease,  
We've only known prosperity's breeze.
No world wars darkened our sky,
No Great Depression to make us cry.

We didn’t see the dust and toil,
Or watch blood spill on foreign soil.
No struggle for bread, no ration line,
We've lived in times both smooth and fine.

The internet’s always at our hand,
Smartphones connecting sea to land.
Cars whisk us fast from place to place,
Comfort surrounds us, a constant embrace.

But now a different plague takes hold,
Not hunger, not hardship, nor the cold.
It’s entitlement, a silent creep,
Ungratefulness runs vast and deep.

We’ve lost the sense of what we’ve got,
Forgotten battles others fought.
Prosperity’s gift is ours to bear,
Yet often we don’t even care.

Perhaps it’s time we take a stand,
Grasp gratitude in every hand.
To know that ease was dearly won,
By those who faced a setting sun.

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No Dice are Cast

"God does not play dice with the universe,"  
Said the mind that sought to uncover the laws,
In the dance of stars, in the birth of verse,
A truth that no uncertainty could cause.

The cosmos spins with purpose in its core,
Each atom placed by hands unseen, precise.
The fabric of the heavens, ever more,
Is woven tight, beyond the roll of dice.

Yet still we search, through science, through the skies,
To grasp the depth of mysteries untold.
For while we count the stars with human eyes,
The soul seeks something more, the pure, the bold.

In every chance, a meaning does emerge,
A force that guides beyond what chance allows.
For even in the random, there’s a surge
Of purpose shaping time, space, and our vows.

No dice are cast, but still the worlds collide,
With love and wonder, with design and grace.
In every twist, a hand that does not hide,
God's steady touch that holds the vastest space.

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Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying, “God does not play dice with the universe.”

September 19

Daily Devotional Theme: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: Ephesians 4:13
"...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

This verse speaks to the journey of spiritual growth and maturity that God desires for each of His children. Our Father knows that unity in faith and a deep knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ, are essential for our development as believers. He wants us to grow in our understanding, become more like Christ, and experience the fullness of His presence in our lives.

Spiritual maturity involves growing in our faith, deepening our relationship with Jesus, and living out the truths of the gospel. It means moving beyond superficial beliefs to a profound and transformative relationship with God. Our Father knows best what we need to achieve this maturity, and He provides us with the tools and guidance through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

As we strive for unity in the faith and knowledge of Christ, we should support and encourage one another in this journey. Together, we can attain the fullness of Christ and reflect His love and grace to the world.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your desire to see us grow in unity and maturity in our faith. Help us to deepen our knowledge of Jesus and strive towards spiritual maturity. Guide us to support one another in this journey, and may we reflect the fullness of Christ in our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Study: Spend time today studying Ephesians 4:13 and surrounding verses to understand the context and depth of Paul's message about unity and maturity.

Reflect:Reflect on your own spiritual journey. Are there areas where you need to grow in faith or knowledge of Jesus? How can you pursue this growth?
Practice: Commit to a specific practice that will help you grow spiritually, such as joining a Bible study group, spending more time in prayer, or reading theological books that deepen your understanding of Christ.

Encourage: Reach out to a fellow believer and share what you are learning. Encourage each other to pursue unity in the faith and maturity in Christ.

By focusing on these aspects, we can trust that our Father, who knows best, will guide us to the fullness of Christ.

Let Love be Our Guide

What makes you think that we are truly aware?  
No proof exists to show we even care.
We claim to think, to choose our own way,
But fear the challenge of a different display.

We parrot the words we are taught to repeat,
And squirm in discomfort at views that compete.
Conformity rules, our minds in a bind,
Blind to the freedom true thought could find.

Religious wars, our misguided fight,
Not for survival, but for what we deem "right."
Other creatures battle for hunger or space,
Yet we fight for beliefs in a bitter race.

For beliefs shape behavior, and behavior holds sway,
Guiding the course of humanity’s day.
But as we march toward a self-made doom,
Why claim we're aware in this crowded room?

Stubborn, destructive, we follow the path,
While ignoring the signs of the coming wrath.
Is there no hope? No way to restore?
Are we doomed to repeat this cycle of war?

Love is the answer, the beacon of light,
Sent by God’s Son to redeem our plight.
For love breaks the chains of conformity’s might,
And offers a way to set everything right.

So, before we declare we’re truly aware,
Let love be our guide, and we’ll find we care.
God’s gift to us, through His Son’s sacrifice,
Is the way to awaken, to live and be wise.

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The Fruit

The fruit comes from the roots below,  
What’s deep inside will surely grow.
For what you believe, and hold within,
Will rise like leaves where truth begins.

The roots of faith, of hope, of love,
Will bear good fruit from skies above.
But doubt or fear, if left to thrive,
Will surface too, though we try to hide.

So tend your roots with careful care,
For what they yield is always there.
In time, the world will surely see,
The fruit of all you’re meant to be.

September 18, 2024
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September 18

Everyday Devotional Theme: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

In this verse, Jesus reminds us that while physical sustenance is necessary for our bodies, our spirits require the nourishment that comes from God's Word. Just as food is essential for our physical health, God's Word is vital for our spiritual well-being. It provides guidance, wisdom, comfort, and strength. Our Father, in His infinite wisdom, knows what we need to thrive both physically and spiritually.

When we prioritize His Word, we align ourselves with His perfect will and tap into the source of true life. In moments of temptation, uncertainty, or struggle, turning to scripture can provide the clarity and reassurance we need. Trust that God knows best and that His Word is a reliable foundation for every aspect of our lives.

Heavenly Father, thank You for providing us with Your Word, which sustains and guides us. Help us to prioritize time in Your scriptures, to seek Your wisdom and direction daily. May we rely not only on physical nourishment but also on the spiritual sustenance that comes from Your teachings. Strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding of Your will for our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Read: Spend time today reading a passage from the Bible. Reflect on how it applies to your current situation.

Meditate: Take a few moments to meditate on the meaning of Matthew 4:4 and how it emphasizes the importance of God's Word in your life.

Apply: Identify one area of your life where you can rely more on God's Word for guidance and strength. Make a plan to integrate scripture into your daily routine, whether through reading, study, or meditation.

Share: Share this insight with a friend or family member. Discuss how relying on God's Word has impacted your life and encourage them to do the same.

Live Life Full

Live life like there's no tomorrow,  
Cast aside regret and sorrow.
In every moment, make it count,
Climb each hill, scale every mount.

Hold your loved ones close and dear,
Speak your heart, dismiss your fear.
Chase your dreams with all your might,
Fill each day with love and light.

For time is fleeting, that we know,
Like rivers fast, it comes and goes.
So live today, both bold and free,
And let your heart in joy decree.

No tomorrow's ever guaranteed,
So plant today each hopeful seed.
In every breath, in every hour,
Live life full, and feel its power.

September 17, 2024
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