Dance on High

At five thousand five, where skies entwine,
We gaze upon the quilt of earth unrolled—
A tapestry of farmlands, woods in line,
And small towns, stories yet untold.

Lake Greenwood, vast in splendor, lies
A puddle 'neath our soaring flight,
As we, in metal wings and birdlike guise,
Join clouds and fowls in lofty height.

A T-6 Texan, from wars long past,
Bears us through the air with propeller's song,
Two and a half tons, steadfast and fast,
Among the clouds where birds belong.

Yet in this expanse of open skies,
Where worlds below us freely sprawl,
A voice through static softly cries,
Shrinking the universe to a call.

"Are you ready?" echoes, clear and bright,
A challenge as we dance on high,
To grasp the reins and feel the might,
And learn to truly fly.

In moments vast, yet closely drawn,
The world expands then tightens near,
In the cockpit, where the dawn
Of new horizons suddenly appear.

May 8, 2024
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Santee State Park

In South Carolina, where spring breathes anew,
Nature awakens with a vibrant view.
The mountains call with their timeless grace,
Inviting the soul to a higher place.

Beaches whisper with waves serene,
Golden sands where thoughts convene.
Boats dance upon the river's flow,
Carrying dreams where the soft winds blow.

Lakes offer solace, a peaceful retreat,
Fishing lines cast, the moment complete.
Every park a story to tell,
Where earth and heart gently swell.

Plan your escape, let spirits embark,
On a journey through South Carolina's park.
In the cradle of spring, find your delight,
Where every path brings joy to light.

May 8, 2024
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Mothers, Beloved of God

Moms, you are cherished beyond measure,  
Not for the deeds your hands perform.
You are treasured in His sight,
For simply being the form you adorn.

God knows every layer of your spirit,
More deeply than you could ever view.
In His infinite wisdom and mercy,
He has made His loving verdict—He cherishes you.

Across all the mornings you rise before dawn,
Through nights when peace seems afar.
He sees the strength in your weary eyes,
Illuminated, as you are His star.

So on this day when we honor you,
Let this truth in your heart be still:
You are loved just for being you,
With a love that no depths can fill.

Happy Mother's Day to you,
A blessing from the skies above—
Eternally valued, eternally held,
In the boundless embrace of God's love.

May 7, 2024
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Baptism on the Road

Along the dusty road they rode, through silence wide and deep,  
The chariot wheels whispered across the sweeping steep.
Water gleamed like a jewel, a promise in the arid land,
The eunuch gazed with yearning, a new life close at hand.

“Look, here is water!” his voice a hopeful flight,
“What stands now to hinder me from the Light?”
Philip nodded, the truth clear in his steady eyes,
No chains of doubt to hold, nor shadowed ties.

The chariot halted, still against the soft, earthen banks,
Together they descended, hearts giving thanks.
Into the cool embrace, beneath the surface laid,
A covenant was sealed, all former debts paid.

Rising anew, water dripping like tears of grace,
The Spirit’s sudden whirlwind, Philip’s gone without a trace.
The eunuch, alone, yet heart alight with joyous song,
Continued forth his journey, in faith ever strong.

May 4, 2024
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Act 8:36  As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?"
Act 8:38  And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
Act 8:39  When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.

God Reigns

In peaks high where eagles dare to fly,  
And valleys deep where shadows lie,
The same God reigns, untouched by height,
A constant force in day and night.

Let every path I walk, high or low,
Reflect the love that from Him flows.
In mountain air or valley's gloom,
His love shines forth, dispels all doom.

No peak too high, no depth too steep,
For His grace to hold, His keep.
In every breath, and step I take,
Let God's love shine, for His own sake.

May 3, 2024
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Finding Peace

Love changes from Dark to Light

Unchain your heart, let feelings rise,  
As butterflies from cocooned disguise.
Let sorrow's weight take wing and soar,
In shared embrace, it pains no more.

Together mourn, together bear,
The load of loss becomes less to wear.
Shared love's touch, so soft, so tender,
Mends the breaks that life can render.

Grief, a shadow, dark and vast,
Finds its reprieve when love is cast.
Empty spaces start to fill,
With love's light, warm, and tranquil.

Let go, and let the heavens guide,
In God's own hands, our fears confide.
For in His grace, we find release,
In letting go, we find our peace.

May 3, 2024
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My Witness

In the heart of the storm, where the wild winds roar,
May my witness be love, opening every door.
A beacon that shines through the darkest night,
A tender embrace when nothing seems right.

Amidst the clamor, where conflicts deploy,
May my witness be peace, a serene envoy.
A river that flows past boulders and fray,
Softening edges in its gentle sway.

When shadows gather, and joys seem to cloy,
May my witness be joy, not easily destroyed.
A laughter that echoes over valleys deep,
A light in my eyes, forever to keep.

In every trial, every hardship, every ploy,
May love, peace, and joy be my employ.
A testament written in life’s tough soil,
Seeds of grace in the hardest toil.

May 3, 2024
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The Heart that Sings

In gardens of hope where joy blooms wide,
Amidst the colors of morning’s first light,
Be the heart that sings in vibrant hue,
Cradling dreams in the dawn's fresh dew.

When shadows stretch and trials weigh,
When storms cloud over the clear of day,
Stand firm, oh soul, with patience stay,
Through night’s long watch till break of day.

And in the quiet, in whispered air,
Lift your voice in faithful prayer,
A constant stream, a sacred flare,
A beacon bright in despair’s lair.

For in these verses, life is spun,
In joy, in trial, the two become one,
A tapestry rich, under heaven's sun,
Woven by hands that never shun.

So live each verse, each line, each rhyme,
In hope, in pain, in prayer’s chime,
And find the beauty, time by time,
In the divine's own perfect climb.

Rom 12:12  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

May 3, 2024
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Empathy in True Light Beams

Beneath the veil of distant woes,  
Through eyes that watch yet never close,
A truth, unseen, around us flows;
Only felt when sorrow shows.

Each heart, a vault of silent screams,
In shadows hides its broken dreams,
Until the crack of fate redeems,
And empathy in true light beams.

For knowledge borne from books and speech,
Can never all our spirits reach,
Till experience extends its teach,
With lessons only life can preach.

So judge not pain you have not known,
The seeds of grief not in you sown,
For understanding’s grace is shown,
When through our own trials we’ve grown.

People will never truly understand something until it happens to them.

May 2, 2024
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