The LORD bless you and keep you, In His arms, may you find rest. His face shines bright upon you, With love and grace, you are blessed.
May His countenance be radiant, Casting light upon your way. In His grace, find strength abundant, Guiding you each passing day.
The LORD turn His face toward you, With peace, your heart He fills. In His presence, pure and true, Find comfort in His will.
Blessings flow from Heaven's throne, In His keeping, you are known. Grace and peace, a gift divine, In the Lord's embrace, you shine.
Num 6:24 "'"The LORD bless you and keep you; Num 6:25 the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; Num 6:26 the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."'
Stop and smell the roses along the way, The flower garden seems so far away. It eludes us at every turn, Always at a distance, we yearn.
We chase the blooms with eager stride, Yet in our haste, they seem to hide. The quicker we seek, the further they sway, A constant pace keeps them at bay.
But if we pause, in calm embrace, And tread with grace, a measured pace, The blossoms near, no longer stray, Their beauty grows, they never fade away.
For in the journey, not the end, Life’s true delights and joys transcend. So stop and smell the roses near, In every step, the garden’s here.
We cannot walk forward while looking back, Our steps will falter, lose their track. Eyes fixed on shadows, past’s embrace, Will hinder strides, slow our pace.
We cannot proceed ahead, clear and fast, When our gaze is tethered to the past. The future’s light, the path we seek, Eludes us when our vision’s weak.
We cannot win the prize God has planned, If we're bound by defeat’s harsh hand. The pole of sorrow, memories that sting, Cannot deter us from the victory we bring.
Do not look back, let go of regret, Onward, with faith, our course is set. With eyes forward, hearts unconfined, We’ll find the peace and strength combined.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High, Will find peace and comfort, as days go by. In the shadow of the Almighty, rest is found, A sanctuary where grace and love abound.
Beneath His wings, a refuge so sure, Through trials and storms, His strength will endure. Fear not the night, nor the arrows that fly, For in His presence, no harm will come nigh.
His faithfulness, a shield and defense, In His embrace, find perfect sense. No terror can shake, no evil can harm, When sheltered by the Almighty’s arm.
His promises stand, unshaken, secure, In His shadow, your soul will endure. Trust in His love, let your worries cease, For in the shelter of the Most High, there’s peace.
So dwell in His presence, day by day, Let His light guide your every way. In the shadow of the Almighty, forever stay, And find rest and peace, come what may.
June 21, 2021 Created by MarkWaldrop
Psa 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
The blessings do not come with what God has blessed us with, They unfold when we use His gifts, in every precious breath. In the talents bestowed, in the love that we share, In the hands that serve, in the hearts that care.
For blessings are seeds, sown in fertile ground, They blossom and grow when our purpose is found. Not in the having, but in the giving we see, The true gifts of God, in you and in me.
When we take what we’re given, and with joy we employ, To lift up the fallen, to spread hope and joy. In each act of kindness, in each selfless deed, The blessings are multiplied, fulfilling the need.
In using our talents, in sharing our light, We reflect His love, so pure and bright. The blessings we hold are meant to be shared, In the tapestry of life, they’re intricately paired.
So let’s cherish the gifts, not hoard them away, But use them with wisdom, in work and in play. For the blessings come alive, in their fullest form, When we use what God’s given, through each passing storm.
In the service of others, in the love that we give, In the faith that we show, in the life that we live. The blessings do not come with what we possess, But in the giving and sharing, our lives are truly blessed.
Pray for the friend who comes to you at midnight, With burdens heavy, seeking solace in the night. Lift their troubles to the Lord above, In whispers of mercy, in acts of love. Pray for the saints, steadfast and true, Their faith a beacon, in all they do. Lift their hearts in prayer, with earnest plea, For strength and grace, for victory.
Pray for all men, near and far, For every soul, beneath the star. In humility, your voice be heard, In prayers of hope, in spoken word.
Pray with the knowledge, deep and profound, That in Christ alone, your worth is found. Not by deeds or efforts shown, But through His love, His grace alone.
“Oh, Lord, I've done my best,” is not the plea, But, “In Christ’s perfection, Lord, I come to Thee.” For in His righteousness, we find our place, In His sacrifice, we rest in grace.
So pray with a heart humble and contrite, In the stillness of day, in the quiet of night. For in prayer, our spirits align, With the divine love, eternally shine.
June 21, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light
On June 19th, we stand and cheer, For freedom’s dawn, a day so dear, Juneteenth, we mark with joyous heart, A chapter new, a vital part.
In Galveston, the message came, Union soldiers, freedom’s flame, In 1865, they brought the word, And freedom’s song was finally heard.
The chains were broken, spirits free, A promise kept, for you and me, The end of war, the start of light, A path from darkness to the right.
We honor those who walked this land, With dreams of freedom in their hand, Their courage, strength, and pain endured, In Juneteenth’s name, their hope assured.
A celebration, rich and bright, Of history’s turn towards the light, For all who fought, for all who yearned, In freedom’s name, the tide has turned.
So every June, on day nineteen, We gather ‘neath the flag’s bright sheen, To celebrate, remember well, The story that our hearts now tell.
Do you not know, beloved, the truth so clear, Your body is a temple, sacred, dear. Within you dwells the Spirit, pure and bright, A gift from God, a beacon in the night.
You are not your own, this life bestowed, Purchased with a price, a love that's owed. The sacrifice, His blood, a crimson thread, In every breath, His grace and mercy spread.
So honor Him with every step you take, In deeds of love, for righteousness' sake. Let purity and reverence be your song, For in His temple, you forever belong.
Glorify God in body and in soul, In every act, let holiness be your goal. For you are cherished, precious in His sight, A living temple, shining with His light.
1Co 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 1Co 6:20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.