In this life where shadows loom and dance, Without spiritual insurance, we risk each glance, Where calamities may stride unbidden through our days, Such insurance not to ward, but mend the frays.
It’s not a shield against the storm’s harsh roar, Nor does it bar every unwelcome door; It doesn't keep the bad at bay, you see, But offers restoration, a chance to be free.
With this assurance deep within the soul, Find peace that completes, that makes you whole. A lifetime’s peace, so vividly profound, In every whispered breeze, in every sound.
Hold fast to this insurance, tightly spun, From threads of faith, hope, and love, not undone. It’s the peace that comes from knowing deep, Your spirit’s safe, forever to keep.
In these days, my naps stretch longer, And walks are gentle strolls along. Where once I zoomed, now I shuffle, Squirrels watch my fetching game go wrong.
My fur's lost some of its springy bounce, With grey whispers around my muzzle's frame. To some, this might spell sadness, Missing youthful leaps, a wilder game.
But these golden years? I treasure each one, No chew toy could weigh the same. Butterflies escape my slower steps, Yet every flower's scent calls my name.
My barks have softened, a quiet hush, Yet love shines in my gaze, undimmed, No couch leaps, but in my human's lap, Views unfold, and life's edges, trimmed.
Gentle nudges replace playful nips, Our bond deepens beyond measure. With age comes calm, a whispered wisdom, Each moment now a cherished treasure.
No longer a pup, yet my heart swells With love and loyalty, rich and bold. So here's to us, the seasoned souls, With stories of love and loyalty, told.
May our naps be long, our treats abound, In this gentle, golden hold. A toast to the noble, aged hearts, Where love and life beautifully unfold.
In the tapestry of time, threads weave unseen, Paths converge where we’ve never been. Each moment crafted by hands divine, “Such a time as this,” whispers the grand design.
God sets the stage, the scenes, the plot, In places unknown, yet not forgot. Called into roles only we can fill, For such a time as this, by His sovereign will.
The world may shift, the shadows may twist, Yet each step is guided through the mist. For such a time as this, we stand prepared, In the light of a purpose uniquely declared.
Like Esther bold, before the throne, With courage not her own, but loaned. We rise to meet the call, the task, In God’s timing, we simply bask.
For such a time as this, not early, not late, Each moment ordained, none to waste. God’s plan unfolds, each chapter a gift, For such a time as this, we live to uplift.
In a world bathed in divine light’s glow, Where God’s Love’s current ceaselessly flows, Would bitterness still find its roots to sow? Or would peace blossom, and ceaseless kindness grow?
Would storms within calm, and inner wars cease, As hearts align under a sacred, silent peace? Could grudges old as time dissolve, release, And from chains of despair, we find sweet release?
In the warmth of compassion’s tender embrace, Every shadow chased away, without a trace, In every encounter, a chance to face The depth of God’s Love, its infinite grace.
What kind of world could this world be? If I let Love guide me, truly free, Not just a dream of what might be, But a lived truth, for you, for me.
In the quiet whispers of the twilight dim, “Come to me,” a gentle call, not just a whim. All you weary, with burdens so grim, In my embrace, find rest within.
Take up my yoke, let’s walk side by side, Learn from me, in my steps abide. For I am gentle, humble in my stride, In my heart, your soul can confide.
For this yoke is easy, this burden light, No heavy chains, no endless fight. Find peace with me through the darkest night, In my love, find your soul’s delight.
Mat 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Dear God, a humble prayer I raise, In whispered tones at break of day.“ Use me,” I plea, in all your ways, As morning light outlines the gray.
“Change me,” I ask, with fervent heart, Mold me like clay beneath your hands. From old to new, a fresh new start, Align my steps with your commands.
“Make me anew,” a quiet vow, Reshape my soul, refine my fire. In your presence, I humbly bow, Transform me, lift me ever higher.
As you work your will, so vast and wide, In my life, a canvas blank and bare, Paint strokes of grace, let love abide, Under your care, I place each care.