In the vast expanse where thoughts collide, We seek to grasp what must abide, Yet mysteries cloak the truth’s wide span, It is important to understand we can’t understand.
Through the cosmos where silence holds sway, Questions birth as night births day, Answers flutter like grains of sand, Slipping quietly from the mind’s tight hand.
Among the stars, a decree is cast, Only the Divine knows the first and last, The weave of fate that none can command, In whispered reverence, we must stand.
For in the humility of our bounded sight, Lies the wisdom to embrace the night, Accepting that on this earthly strand, Only God knows the whole expanse so grand.
So, fold hands in prayer as mysteries unfold, In the garden where secrets are told but never sold, And find peace in the not knowing land, Where the heart can rest in the Creator’s plan.
In the rush of fleeting light, Words tumble, eager and bright. With each tick, a thought takes flight, So much to rhyme in the dwindling night.
Minutes meld into a swift stream, Ideas chase the tail of a dream. Across the page, under starlit gleam, Verses flow, a poetic scheme.
A clock’s hands dance, they twist and twine, In the echo of the old church chime. Yet in this brief moment, thoughts align, So much to rhyme with such little time.
Each syllable, a step, a climb, Up the steep face of a rhyme sublime. Hurry, hurry, while the muses mime, Quick, capture the verse before the end of time.
In the tapestry of thoughts that weave through day and night, I search for reasons, reasons that might Justify the whispers, the echoes of my voice, For every single choice, I need an eager reasoned poise.
Why do reasons rule the realm of our daily deeds? Why do they fill our garden of needs? Is it clarity they bring to the chaotic heart, Or is it peace, perhaps, a kind of art?
Every word I cast into the void’s vast expanse, Must have a why, a how, perchance To stand against the winds of whimsy’s flight, To hold its ground, to claim the right.
For without reasons as our guiding stars, We’re but ships unmoored in a sea of wars. Drifting aimlessly in a torrent of emotion, Lost in the waves, devoid of notion.
So I tether my words to the solid ground, With reasons that are profound. For in the quest of understanding’s play, Reasons are the most important every day.
They craft our world with careful thought, With lessons learned and wisdom taught. In the realm of reason, we find our way, Through the questions posed each day.
Freedom is just another word, nothing truly free, A boundless illusion, fading into obscurity. Yet, for a single memory of you, I’d give All my yesterdays, just to relive That moment, our spirits in perfect harmony.
Someday, our love will weave its destined lace, In the intricate dance of time and space. Our threads will cross at the ordained hour,Blossoming fiercely, a transcendent flower.
Together forever, in divine eternity, Our souls enmeshed, a seamless unity. A love profound, boundlessly deep, Our whispered promises to forever keep.
Our never-ending love, an eternal flame, An unyielding echo of your whispered name. In the realm of forever, we are the lore, In the hallowed whispers of evermore.
In the quiet hush of dawn’s first light, Where dreams shimmer in the twilight, Hold fast to the visions that you deem, Do whatever it takes to believe in your dream.
Through the trials where shadows lope, In the gardens of despair, still tend your hope. Let not the tempest your spirit seam, In the gale, clutch tighter your vibrant dream.
Forge ahead when the path is steep, Where the nights are long and the rivers deep. Let the stars above in the heavens gleam, Guiding your steps with their ancient beam.
Amid the whispers of doubt, may you cope, By the fireside of tenacity, kindle your hope. With every heartbeat, let it stream, Flood your world with the light of your dream.
So dance on the edges of the unknown, Where the seeds of courage are silently sown. Rise, for beyond the dire extreme, Rest the bright morning of your supreme dream.
In the quiet whispers of the twilight dim, Where shadows dance and chances slim, May a prayer on the breeze be softly said: “May you be in heaven half an hour ahead.”
Before the devil knows, before he sees, Before your soul sets upon the fiery seas, May you ascend where angels tread, In celestial peace, your spirit led.
Through the gates of pearl and streets of gold, May your name in the Book of Life be boldly scrolled. And as the heavens embrace you in their stead, May joy be yours, and no tears shed.
Let the harps pluck a melody so sweet, A serenade for your arriving feet. Among the saints and the martyrs, may you glide, Half an hour in heaven, with God at your side.
So when the final breath escapes in a sigh, And the stars above dot the navy sky, May you find the grace as your days conclude,In paradise found, in quietude.
For life is a journey through storms and through calm, May your passage be blessed with a heavenly balm. And as tales are told and your story is read,“May you be in heaven half an hour,” it’s said.
"May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead" is an old Irish blessing