The Love of God’s Grace

In the quiet glow of dawn's embrace, Words whisper soft with tender grace, "I love you," said with care, yet true, Yet not in love, a subtle hue.

This love, like stars that grace the night, Shines steadfast, calm, and oh so bright. It's the warmth of sun on winter's day, Not fiery passion's wild array.

In every laugh, in every tear, In closeness held forever dear, This love's a river, deep and wide, But not the stormy, raging tide.

The It's in the comfort of the known, In seeds of fondness gently sown, A garden where respect does bloom, Not lost in love's consuming gloom.

So hear these words, both sweet and solemn, A different kind of love's blossom. I love you in the brightest way, But in love—not in that fray.

A paradox, some might decree, Yet in this truth, there's liberty. For love can wear many a guise, Beyond the heart's romantic ties.

So let us walk this path, us two, With love that's steadfast, kind, and true. Though not in love, let no one rue, For in this love, we'll find our due.

March 26, 2024
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In the shelter’s embrace, under watchful eyes,Matt paced through the days, under silent skies.Day six seventy-six, just another day,Among familiar faces, in his quiet way.

Routine was his comfort, the staff his steady crew,The kennel walls, his boundaries, a world he thought he knew.But Saturday brought changes, in waves both thick and fast,Goodbyes echoed in the corridors, memories of the past.

Volunteers, with teary eyes, bade farewell without a hug,Treats tossed into his space, their departure snug.Staff members too, with somber tones, joined the farewell spree,A puzzle to Matt’s mind, “Who’ll look after me?”

Then, a moment of pure joy, a reunion so sweet,Kenai, his brother, for a playful meet.Romping in the yard, a memory reborn,A fleeting happiness, in the heart of Matt, worn.

Yet, amidst the strangeness, a twist was to unfold,A folder full of “Matt Facts,” stories told.And there, among the pages, a surprise lay in wait,“Adoption Paperwork,” sealed by fate.

The stranger, now a father, to Matt’s heart a key,Together with Kenai, a family they’d be.No more kennel walls, no more waiting in the shade,A journey to forever, together they made.

After years in the shelter’s hold, Matt found his dream, A home, a family, a place to redeem. In his new dad’s SUV, to the future, they did steer, Matt’s tale of hope, a reminder that love is always near.

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The Blood of the Lamb

In the sun-scorched fields where shadows play,
A drama unfolds in the heat of day.
A rattlesnake, deadly, with venom cold,
Struck a sheep in the face, so bold.

The venom surged, a deadly tide,
The sheep's face swollen, a painful ride.
Yet in this tale, the snake did not see,
The resilience in the blood of the sheep, so free.

For in the lamb's veins, a secret lay,
The antidote, in its blood, at bay.
Two days of swelling, yet stronger than venom's aim,
The lamb's blood fought back, reclaiming its fame.

Unfazed, the sheep continued its day,
Eating, drinking, in its own way.
Walking the fields, under the sun's glare,
Knowing well, its blood was rare.

So heed the tale of the lamb and snake,
The power of resilience, make no mistake.
Do not fear the serpent, nor its venom's bite,
Just ensure the Lamb's Blood is your light.

March 24, 2024
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Mere Belief was His Key

In shadows hung 'twixt earth and sky, a thief did meet his end,
Beside the One whose very breath could broken hearts amend.
No rites of passage graced his life, no waters of rebirth,
No feast to share in hallowed halls, no joyous, saintly mirth.

Yet in this final, desperate hour, his faith became his crown,
A simple trust, a whispered plea, in pain, his fortunes drown.
No saintly deeds adorned his past, no pious words were spoken,
Yet grace, like dawn's first light, appears for hearts sincerely broken.

How does he fit, this thief, in grand designs of theology?
No steps of faith, no righteous acts, mere belief was key.
Upon the cross, no knees could bend, no hands in prayer fold,
Yet he was promised paradise, in scriptures, as foretold.

The King beside him, crowned in thorns, in agony did reign,
His kingdom not of earthly sort, where sin and death remain.
"I tell you truly, you will be with me in paradise,"
A statement that cuts through the din of human sacrifice.

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son,
That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, undone.
It's not the rituals, not the deeds, that save our soul from night,
But faith in Him, who on the cross, brought hope and grace to light.

No shiny lights, no crafty words, no donuts in the foyer,
Just a naked, dying man who brings the sinner joy.
This thief, he stands for all of us, who nothing have to bring,
But belief in Christ, the risen Lord, our Savior and our King.

March 24, 2024
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Trials Into Triumphs

In the realm of endless skies and seas,
Where whispers wind through ancient trees,
God stands ready, a steadfast light,
To guide your heart through darkest night.

With every trial that you face,
In every harsh, forbidding place,
He molds your spirit, firm and bright,
Turning sorrows into might.

For every tear that you have shed,
For every fear, every dread,
He weaves a tapestry so grand,
With threads of gold in His hand.

From trials to triumphs, the journey goes,
Through thorny paths and blooming rose.
In every moment, His grace is found,
In every silence, His love abounds.

So lift your eyes to the stars above,
Embrace the trials with faith and love.
For God stands ready, by your side,
To turn your trials into tides.

A tide that rises, strong and pure,
A heart that’s steadfast, sure and secure.
With every step, His presence near,
Transforming trials into triumphs dear.

March 22, 2024
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Better to Have Loved and Lost

In halls where silence paints the air,
Where echoes dance, bereft of care,
A senior dog, with fur turned gray,
In sheltered shadows, finds his way.

No youthful bark, no playful leap,
Just longing sighs, in slumber deep.
Yet in his eyes, a spark remains,
A testament to love's sweet pains.

For those who've loved and seen depart
A loyal friend, a piece of heart,
Know well the pain that parting brings,
Yet cherish still the love it sings.

Better far to have shared the road,
To have eased the weight, to have lightened the load,
Than let one pass, in silent gloom,
Alone, unloved, in a shelter's room.

For every moment spent in grace,
Each gentle touch, each fond embrace,
Illuminates the darkest night,
With memories burning ever bright.

So let us choose, while yet we may,
To love, to cherish, come what may.
For better far to have loved and lost,
Than leave a soul in winter's frost.

To save one life, a noble quest,
To offer love, and give our best,
For in the end, our hearts will show,
The depth of love only they can know.

March 22, 2024
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Unconditional Love

Dogs are my favorite people, true and dear,
With tails that wag in joy, drawing near.
They speak in barks, in whines, and gentle sighs,
Their words unspoken, seen within their eyes.

In fields they roam, in dreams they chase the light,
Under the sun, beneath the moon so bright.
They love without a hint of guile or pride,
Beside us, in their loyalty, they reside.

No judgment cast, no grudges ever held,
In their embrace, our fears are swiftly quelled.
Through storms and calm, they stand by, staunch and bold,
Their warmth a refuge from the outside cold.

In every dog, a heart of gold does beat,
With every wag, they make our lives complete.
No better friend, companion, or confidant,
In dogs, we find the souls we've always wanted.

So here's to dogs, the best of all our friends,
Their love, a kind that never, ever ends.
They teach us joy, and how to truly live,
To them, my heart, my thanks, I gladly give.

March 22, 2024
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Embers of My Soul

In my soul, embers of coal lie deep and still,  
A dormant fire, awaiting the divine will.  
Ignited by the Word, a flame takes hold,  
A spark of the divine, ancient and bold.  

The wind of the Holy Spirit, unseen, yet felt,  
Fanning flames, making icy hearts melt.  
It stirs within us a fervent, burning desire,  
To act in love, to lift others higher.  

Our hearts ablaze, with warmth so true,  
Guided by a force beyond the view.  
Actions born not from our own plan,  
But moved by the grace of the Great I Am.  

The love of God, from these embers spread,  
A warmth that feeds, a light that's led.  
Through the Word of God, a fire derived,  
In us, His love, forever alive.  

So let the Spirit’s wind ever blow,  
On the embers in our souls, making them glow.  
Spreading God’s warmth, His love, His light,  
Turning darkness into day, from night.

March 22, 2024
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