Won’t You Be My Valentine
I’ll be yours if you’ll be Mine
Valentines are very special
They are Friends hard to find
If You Find One, Keep them Close
For they will always mean the Most
They will always Love You no matter what they hear
For between the two of you, God's Love Is So Clear
As time goes by, Our Hearts Grow Larger
We often ponder their departure
We know when Our Valentine has to leave
It’s only for a short time we shouldn’t Grieve
We will eventually be Together Forever
In Our Father’s Arms Happier than Ever
February 12, 2022
Mark Waldrop
In the gentle hum of frequencies long past,
Brian Evans whispers, a connection vast.
"I used to help," with a voice both proud and clear,
Through '68 to '70, the message dear.
With his Dad by his side, under a sky so wide,
Phone patches they did weave, in hope they'd believe.
For servicemen and women, across seas so grim,
Their voices a bridge, a light, however dim.
The equipment now silent, echoes of a key,
Holds memories of a time, of unity.
He's now the guardian of this sacred lore,
W7BBW, alive once more.
Feeling cool, with the call sign in his grasp,
A legacy continued, in each breath a gasp.
The Morse code taps out a rhythm of the heart,
A silent key, yet his spirit never to depart.
In every call made, in every static crackle,
Lies a story of love, across the ether it travels.
Brian, with his license, continues the tale,
Under the same stars, where once his Dad set sail.
So here's to the echoes, in the airwaves they swim,
To Brian, to his Dad, and their service kin.
W7BBW, a call sign of pride,
A son's tribute, in the airwaves they reside.
February 13, 2024
Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA
In the passenger seat, I lay my head to rest,
With an experienced hand at the helm, I'm blessed.
Asleep I fall, with faith so deep and real,
In the skill of the one who grips the wheel.
The road may twist, the night may steal the light,
Yet in these hands, I find my fear takes flight.
For just as in the car, I trust and feel,
So in life's drive, I pray, "Oh Jesus, take the wheel."
No matter the path, the steepness of the hill,
With Him guiding, my heart remains still.
Through storms and sunshine, His love does reveal,
Peace and Contentment, with Him at the wheel.
Each turn, each journey, His presence I feel,
In trust, I surrender, no longer to deal.
With faith, I travel, His strength as my keel,
"Oh Jesus, take the wheel," my soul's earnest appeal.
So as I ride, in passenger's seat or life's reel,
I'm comforted by His love, which forever is real.
With Jesus navigating, no fear shall I conceal,
For in His hands, true peace and contentment I feel.
October 8, 2024
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The Tunnel on the road of Straight and Narrow is not very wide
Many people cannot enter because of their inflated pride
There is a crowd squabbling about why is it made so small
It is all in God’s Plan to reduce to prideful from standing so tall
If I wish to pass through the tunnel of pride
Deflating my ego will give me a smooth ride
February 8, 2024
Jesus brings us freedom not understood
Freedom that comes only from
what is Good
Many of God’s secrets we don't understand
The Love of God being one. It is so Grand.
We don't have to understand. Just feel His Love
Pass it along to others Blessings sent from above.
Thank you God for what You have given me
Let me share with others that they may see
October 8, 2024
Words have a mystic power that most don't understand
They can build bridges across mountains or destroy the land
Uttering words without any thought
Can bring much untold wrought
Words of encouragement, words of kindness
Lifting a person out of the depths of blindness
I always take a moment before reacting to unkind words
My response being the difference in love and evil being heard
October 7, 2024
If a person resents me, I don't take it to heart
With God's Love, I turn it into entertainment from the start
Turning my face to the creator of peace
Will cause my anger and aggression to cease
October 7, 2024
The Weather Rick seems a simple test
By its touch, knowing the weather best
If it's hot, it's hot, it's cold, it's cold. If it's wet, guess what.
If the rock of my soul is cold, move it to the light where warmth is found.
Found hot move it in the Shade of God where cool breezes abound.
If it is wet from Spiritual rain Thank Him for His Many Blessings again.
Our spiritual barometer takes patience
To discern.
Walk close to God we have much to learn.
February 5, 2024
Time will come to an end. Love lasts forever
This is in God's plan, which seems so clever
I lost my spouse. My heart was torn away
I felt Jesus say grieve for a while. Do not stay
Time moves on. Our Love is forever.
In Heaven where we will remain together.
February 5, 2024
If you are a child of the Divine, let it show,
Stand up straight, let your inner light glow.
An ambassador of Christ, wear it with pride,
With a smile on your lips and a new song inside.
Don't bow in shame, nor in fear do you hide,
But hold your head high, let His teachings guide.
In every gesture, let kindness be your art,
A reflection of His love, deep in your heart.
If faced with a charge of faith, true and devout,
Would there be evidence, beyond a shadow of a doubt?
In acts of compassion, in the love you impart,
Let the proof be found in a generous heart.
Share the Love of Christ, let it freely flow,
Touching lives, letting His grace show.
Through you, let others His mercy see,
For in His love, we find true liberty.
So be a beacon, shining bright and clear,
In your walk, in your talk, let His love appear.
For you are His child, in His image wrought,
Live in His love, and forsake it not.
February 4, 2024
Created by