The Master speaks

In tempests wild, when life's storms surge,
Rest in the arms of the wind's great urge.
The Master speaks amidst the gale,
His voice a harbor, strong and hale.

"Peace be still," He whispers soft,
In His embrace, aloft we're loft.
Through raging winds and pouring rain,
His presence soothes, eases the pain.

Hold fast to promises, forever true,
He'll never leave, always with you.
In darkest nights, in fiercest squall,
He stands steadfast, through it all.

His promise rings, a beacon bright,
In stormy seas, He is our light.
Never forsaken, never alone,
In His love, our fears are overthrown.

January 27, 2024
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Lost In Time

I faintly remember the distant past.
Smells of the dusty road, the creek, and newly mown grass.

Smells didn't matter much when I was a kid
Too engaged with other things, Heaven forbid 

We were poor as church mice. We had no shoes. 
We were happy as could be just singing the blues. 

In the one-room school, we sang in harmony. 
Miss Marie, the School Marm taught us our A B C’s

After school, boys swam in the creek.
I learned many lessons most I can't repeat.

The good old days were better then.
It seems I have trouble remembering them.

January 25, 2024


There seems to be no respect today
Respect was in order yesterday 

Where did it go, and why did it leave 
Young people are not taught I believe

Respect for our Almighty God is where it has to start
Creating respect for family and friends from the heart

The only answer is spreading The Good News of Jesus
Only with God's Touch will Respect be returned to us. 

January 24, 2024

Beyond The Stars

4K: Meteor shower in a night.
Why wish upon a distant star,
Twinkling faintly from afar?
When you can pray to the One who made,
Each galaxy, in darkness and light arrayed.

The stars, mere echoes of His might,
Shining beacons in the night.
Yet greater still, the Creator's hand,
That shaped the sea, the sky, the land.

In prayer, a connection divine,
Beyond the stars, where wonders align.
To Him who hears each silent plea,
In the vast cosmos, His love, the key.

Why gaze upon a star's faint glow,
When to the Maker, your hopes can flow?
In His presence, fears unbind,
Peace and comfort, there you find.

He who sculpted the stars so bright,
Guides your path in the darkest night.
In prayer, find strength, find light,
In the Creator's power, infinite and right.

So look beyond the starlit sky,
To the One who reigns on high.
In every prayer, His grace imparts,
Beyond the stars, within your hearts.

January 24, 2024
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Our Own Walk With God

In the quiet of the soul, whispered wisdom, softly spoke,
His words, like gentle waves, upon our spirits broke.
"It's expected," he declared, "to lead to Christ's embrace,
Yet first, we must within ourselves, find clarity and grace.

Look within your own closet, sort through shadows and through light,
Mend the frayed and broken threads, in your heart's silent night.
Your journey with the Lord, a path of personal quest,
Focus on your growth, in His love, be truly blessed.

Do not seek to change the minds, of others in their walk,
Each soul's journey is their own, through actions and through talk.
Be His servant, humble, kind, in actions and in life,
Concern yourself with your own path, amidst this worldly strife.

For in the quest of saving souls, our own must not be lost,
Tend to your garden, let it bloom, regardless of the cost.
It's a lifelong endeavor, requiring all you own,
To cultivate a heart where seeds of faith are sown.

Remember, it's your story, written in His love,
That shines a light for others, to the heavens above.
So take the time, reflect, and in your soul, deeply dive,
For in tending to yourself, His spirit will thrive."

Thus he spoke a reminder, profound and clear,
Our own walk with God, is what we should hold dear.
For in our personal journey, with love and truth, we're rife,
Guiding others to His grace, by the example of our life.

January 22, 2024
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But Who Goes With Us

In life's grand, unfolding show,
It's not the places you come to know,
But rather who, by your side, does go,
That makes the heart truly aglow.

Through streets that twinkle with night's light,
Or paths where daybreak shines so bright,
The joy's not just in the splendid sight,
But in shared laughs, in love's delight.

Through forests deep or mountains high,
Under the vast, unending sky,
It's not just the where or the why,
But who's with you, as time goes by.

In moments quiet or in bustling sound,
Whether lost or in places found,
It's the companionship that's profound,
In their presence, life's joys abound.

So cherish not just the destination,
But each step in life's jubilation,
For it's the journey, the shared elation,
That brings the heart its true gratification.

In life, it's clear, as we journey through,
The greatest treasure, honest and true,
Is not just where, or what we view,
But who goes with us, our whole life through.

January 22, 2024
Created by

His Whisper

In storms of life, when skies are gray,
Remember who guides the winds that sway.
The master of rain, of storm, of sea,
Is right beside you, forever to be.

Hear His whisper through the thundering din,
"Peace be still," calming storms within.
His voice, a beacon in tempest's roar,
Brings solace, comfort to your core.

Hold fast to promises He has made,
In His presence, you need not be afraid.
For never will He leave your side,
In His love and strength, you can confide.

Never forsaken, in His care you'll stay,
Through darkest night and brightest day.
So when life's storms rage wild and free,
Rest assured, with Him, you'll always be.

January 24, 2024
Created by


I am a pawn being played in the game of life
Who is moving me and does it cause strife

The game being played is Good against evil
The winner will capture my soul for its retrieval 

I have the choice to decide which side I'm on
Giving me death or everlasting life from now on 

I pray that Good might choose me 
that I might forever live in eternity

January 21, 2024


God lavished His Love on me through His Son Jesus, that I might see
The need to Love others so they can be set free and see their mansion in eternity

God’s Love is beyond comprehension 
Not being able to conceive it's mention

Thank You, God, for what we can't understand
Only feeling Your Love that is beyond Grand

January 20, 2024