In the shadow of Lincoln, a dream was declared,
A dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident," he shared,
"That all men are created equal," his enduring theme.
In the sweltering heat of injustice and oppression,
A dream of freedom arose, refusing to wilt.
A dream that one day, without concession,
The sons of former slaves and slave owners could stand, guiltlessly built.
He dreamed that his children,
In a nation where they'd not be judged by skin,
Would unite in brotherhood, a new beginning,
In the symphony of freedom, a harmonious kin.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring,
From every city and hamlet, the dreamers sing.
With this faith, we carve a path, a new day to bring,
Joining hands, black and white together, freedom's bell to ring.
"We will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope,"
With courage, we stand, with our dream, we cope.
With this faith, we face the uncertainties of the slope,
And in unity, we find the strength to grope.
From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire,
To the mighty mountains of New York,
Let freedom ring, our dream declare,
Until justice rolls down like water, in our tireless work.
January 15, 2023
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Taken from Martin Luther King Jr.’s
“I Have a Dream” speech
In a world where wisdom's sought,
The wise, the sages, all are taught.
Yet in this age, so bright and bold,
God's truth outshines the tales of old.
For in His wisdom, vast and deep,
He calls to those, their faith to keep.
Not through grand signs or wise debate,
But in His love that conquers hate.
Jews seek signs, the Greeks their lore,
Yet Christ crucified, who could ignore?
A stumbling block, a foolish game,
To those who seek but worldly fame.
Yet to the called, both near and far,
Jew and Greek, beneath His star,
Christ stands as power, wisdom true,
God's might and mind in view.
For what seems foolish in God's hand,
Surpasses wisdom of the land.
And in His weakness, strength is found,
A paradox where grace abounds.
So let us seek not just to know,
But in His steps, humbly go.
For in the folly of His cross,
Lies the path to gold from dross.
1 Corinthians 1:20-25
January 14, 2024
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In Egypt's land, beneath the sun,
Joseph's journey had just begun.
Betrayed, enslaved, yet not alone,
For God was with him, this was shown.
In Potiphar's house, Joseph rose,
Through trials, his character shows.
Integrity was his response,
God's presence, a constant ensconce.
Then in the prison, dark and grim,
Joseph trusted, leaned on Him.
Interpreting dreams with God's grace,
From dungeon depths to Pharaoh's place.
In famine's grip, Joseph then led,
With wisdom, he gave bread for bread.
Brothers bowed, not recognizing,
His forgiveness, love, surprising.
Through every hardship, every test,
Joseph's faith stood firm, unbowed, unbent.
For God was with him, in every stride,
In shadows and in glory's light.
A tale of grace, of dreams untold,
Of faith in God, brave and bold.
In Joseph's story, we find a path,
Of God's presence, love, and steadfast wrath.
So in our journeys, may we find,
The strength like Joseph's, pure and kind.
Knowing in our trials and our mirth,
God is with us, on Heaven and Earth.
January 14, 2024
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Grace and Mercy meet at the foot of the Cross
Do I choose to be reconciled at His Son’s loss
Today is the day to accept His free gift for me
No promise of tomorrow. It may be too late, you see
Thank you, God, for Your Grace and Mercy and waiting for me.
January 14, 2024
As I wrap myself in a blanket to keep warm from the cold
So I cover my soul in The Holy Spirit to make my soul whole
My soul is engulfed in the Holy Spirit. Its temperature will be under automatic control
No matter what I'm going through, there will never be excessive heat or cold
Being comfortable physically and spirituality are most important in life
Always having the correct temperature brings me much less strife
January 12, 2024
In the tapestry of life, where threads intertwine,
There's a truth so simple, yet profoundly divine.
To touch a heart, to change a life's story,
You need not bask in wealth or glory.
Not brilliance nor beauty, nor perfection's guise,
Can match the power of empathy's ties.
It's in the caring, the gentle act,
That alters lives, a proven fact.
In the smile shared on a dreary day,
In the listening ear, we give away.
In acts of kindness, small but sure,
Lives are touched, hearts are cured.
For in each moment of genuine care,
A soul is soothed, stripped of despair.
So remember this, in all you do,
It's the caring heart that makes the view.
January 12, 2024
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From a quote by
Mandy Hale
In the quiet hallways of memory, where yesterday's echoes play,
Lies a trove of whispered moments, in shades of sepia and gray.
Each laughter and tear, a story told,
A tapestry of life, in each fold.
But life is a river, flowing swift and sure,
Today is the gift, precious and pure.
In each breath, a new chance to dance,
In the now, we find life's true romance.
The future, a mystery, veiled and unseen,
A canvas unpainted, a dream yet to glean.
Tomorrow holds promises, yet to unfold,
In its hands, mysteries untold.
So, cherish yesterday, with its joy and its sorrow,
But live in today, like there's no tomorrow.
For time is a thief, in the night it does creep,
Taking treasures we thought we could keep.
In the end, our days are but a fleeting song,
A brief moment of light, before it's gone.
So, hold tight to now, with love and with care,
For in the blink of an eye, we're just memories in the air.
January 11, 2024
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Beyond the sunset, a place where I long to be
Beyond the sunset, His Glorious face I shall see
Loved ones waiting to welcome me
Oh, what a blessed day that will be
The choir begins to sing Amazing Grace
As I catch a glimpse of His Magnificent Face
I never dreamed anything could be so fine
Strolling over Heaven, His Love forever mine
Oh, the completeness I feel being a member of God’s Family
Feeling His Love forever and forever throughout eternity
January 11, 2024
I traveled down a lonely road
And no one seemed to care,
The burden on my weary back
Had bowed me to despair,
I oft complained to Jesus
How folks were treating me,
And then I heard Him say so tenderly.
"My feet were also weary,
Upon the Calvary road;
The cross became so heavy,
I fell beneath the load,
Be faithful, weary pilgrim,
The morning I can see,
Just lift your cross and follow close to me."
"I work so hard for Jesus,"
I often boast and say,
"I've sacrificed a lot of things
To walk the narrow way,
I gave up fame and fortune;
I'm worth a lot to Thee,"
And then I hear Him gently say to me,
"I left the throne of glory
And counted it but loss,
My hands were nailed in anger
Upon a cruel cross,
But now we'll make the journey
With your hand safe in Mine,
So lift your cross and follow close to Me."
O, Jesus if I die upon
A foreign field someday,
'Twould be no more than love demands,
No less could I repay,
"No greater love hath mortal man
Than for a friend to die"
These are the words He gently spoke to me,
"If just a cup of water
I place within your hand
Then just a cup of water
Is all that I demand."
So if by Faith to living
They can Thy glory see,
I'll take my cross and follow close to Thee.
Music & Lyrics: Ira F Stamphill, 1953
Picture created by MarkWaldrop
Can I change, or do I even want to
Change from what? What must I do
I see people change to what they are
I don't know how to follow that star
Wanting to do better is my ambition
Follow the Bible will bring it to fruition
I try to change a little every day
Drawing a little closer as I pray
January 9, 2024