In the quiet marketplace, a hush falls like a gentle rain,
Streets devoid of bustling life, a tranquil, silent domain.
Builders' tools lay still, the harvest's time now complete,
Housewives pause, and in the courtroom, there's no more debate.
The King is coming, trumpets heralding His grand arrival,
Faces aglow with joy, lives redeemed from sin's survival.
Broken homes now mended, prisoners set free,
Children and the aged, hand in hand, a jubilee.
Charmed by the chariots' rumble, a marching throng unfolds,
God's trumpets proclaim the end, a story yet untold.
Regal robes cascade, the grandstand of heaven in place,
Choirs singing "Amazing Grace," a harmonious embrace.
O the King is coming, the King is on His way,
Trumpets sounding, His face shining like the break of day.
Praise God, He's coming, a divine symphony,
For you and me, the King is coming, forever to be.
January 8, 2023
Created by
Taken from the song “The King is Coming”
I hear the faint sound of distant drums calling me
Each day a little louder one day I will be set free
The drum echos in the mountains of my mind
Coming closer to my God the more love I find
The sound getting louder with each passing day
The rhythm of the drums causes me to stop and pray
One day they will become silent to my soul
That day I will be called home making me whole
January 8, 2024
In the highs and lows, my gratitude remains,
For the mountains' peaks, and the valleys' plains.
In every storm that raged, wild and true,
I found strength in faith, as my spirit grew.
I thank God for the mountains, their towering might,
For the lessons learned in their soaring height.
In each ascent, a challenge, a chance to rise,
Under the vast, unending, azure skies.
For the valleys deep, where shadows fall,
I thank Him still, for the humbling call.
In quiet lows, where reflections run deep,
I learned to sow the faith I reap.
And in the storms, His presence so near,
Through winds that howl, and skies that clear.
It's there I found, in trials anew,
The power of God, steadfast and true.
For if my path were smooth and free of test,
I'd never know the strength that lies in rest.
Never see how problems, with edges so rough,
Could be smoothed by faith, strong and tough.
In His word, a beacon, a guiding light,
Turning darkest fears into morning bright.
In every trial, every tear that fell,
His word was the well, where hope did dwell.
So I thank God for each mountain, valley, and storm,
For in every shape, His love does transform.
In every moment, be it bitter or sweet,
In His grace and mercy, my heart does beat.
January 7, 2024
Created by
To be the best I can be
It’s totally left up to me
I can go through this worldly life
exhibiting little love causing strife
Loving every day will bring the best out of me
Trying very hard to see what others may see
Others showing their love to me
Will certainly bring the best I see
January 6, 2024
Mark Waldrop
I found myself in a distant land
I'm just a kid. I don't understand
I certainly wasn't raised this way
Killing people almost every day
It didn't take long to find out freedom wasn't free
Kids like me were dying all around for you and me
January 4, 2024
Oh Lord, I had to take time to pray
It's hard out here every dusty day
Them old cows got spooked; they almost trampled me
I figured then I hadn't been good enough for your face to see
I ain't got no money to give to you
I'm just like them Shepherd boys that were so true
I'll do the best I can with what I got
Don't forget me when I'm not
January 4, 2024
Just a humble Shepard Boy tending my lambs
They follow my voice no matter where I am
They follow, trusting, not knowing their fate
Being chosen as a Safarice, not knowing the date
I faithfully watch over my flock day and night
Bringing me peace under the starlight
Heading home now they are following me
Entrusting their Shepherd with their destiny
January 2, 2023
In valleys deep and mountains high,
A shepherd tends his flock with care.
One hundred sheep beneath the sky,
In green meadows, they graze and fare.
But lo, one lamb, in innocence,
Strays far from safety's gentle keep.
The shepherd, with no hesitance,
Leaves ninety-nine to seek the weak.
Through brambles thick and rivers wide,
With heart of love and eyes so keen,
He searches where the lost may hide,
In places rarely seen.
And when at last he finds the stray,
His joy is like no other sight.
More than the ninety-nine that stay,
His heart with love alights.
For every soul, like each lost lamb,
Is precious in the Father's plan.
In heaven's realm, the Great I Am
Seeks each lost child of man.
So let us learn from this parable,
Of love that seeks the one astray.
A lesson timeless, invaluable:
Each soul is worth the journey made.
Matthew 18:12-14
January 2, 2023
Created by
Ending the year, single and fine,
With caring friends, the stars align.
Dancing in the kitchen's soft glow,
Wishing as midnight's clock does show.
Promises made for change so grand,
Yet resolutions slip like sand.
Every New Year's Eve, the refrain,
Words echo, but actions wane.
Hurt lies in never taking flight,
In dreams untold, in fading light.
On the hill where memories weave,
Time moves on, hearts choose to leave.
Resolutions echo through the cheer,
Guiding paths, sometimes unclear.
In the kitchen's glow, aspirations rise,
Clock striking midnight, hope in our eyes.
A wish to change for the better,
To brave the storms, to write a letter.
Every New Year's Eve, the vow,
Yet actions falter, reality somehow.
The hurt resides in fear's denying,
In dreams unlived, in silence crying.
On the hill where promises conceived,
Moving on, a better self achieved.
So, this New Year's Eve, the pledge,
To break the cycle, a soul on edge.
Actions louder than words may be,
In the dance of time, a symphony.
For what will hurt is never trying,
What will hurt is never dying.
On the hill where dreams are spun,
A new journey, a battle won.
January 2, 2024
Created by
Taken from
New Years Eve
Violet Akira
I must say what needs to be said
For the betterment of man before I'm dead
Call out the wrong from the right
They cannot exist in the same light
A much better world, this would be
Standing up with the Love of God in me
January 2, 2024