South Carolina Skies

South Carolina Skies are the most beautiful to behold
Fluffy white clouds are God's Handiwork I'm told

If they could reveal the many things they've seen, what would they say 
Many mistakes man has made evolved through time, and his repentance paid

Hopes dashed by the Charleston Shore
By the horrible battles of the Civil War

The committed spirits of the people arose from the embers
Beginning to rebuild, only God's Love will be remembered 

Those same clouds hover over the Holy City today
As the people of Charleston bend their knees and pray

God's Blessings continue over our beautiful state
With our eyes on Him, we will resolve our fate

October 2, 2023

I headed out to find Heaven one day

Illustration of a mysterious cloud staircase leading to the heavens and divine light shining from the heavens
I headed out to find Heaven one day
Finding out I had to turn from sin and pray

Sin felt so good. Should I go in search of something I could not see
If I found it, would I turn and take the path that would set me free

As I prayed and asked God’s Son, Jesus, to dwell within 
Feeling all my sins lift away, and the Love of God come in 

Nothing can compare to The Love I felt that day
My only regret is waiting so long before I prayed

October 1, 2023

My whole life

My whole life is something I want to share
I am afraid I will be exposed to many a glare

Do I need to change some things before I begin to pray
Would I be embarrassed by what Jesus would see if he came to stay

I found through my Saintly Mother one day
My whole life is a constant prayer every day

Thank you, God, for sending Jesus my way

October 1, 2023

With God, small is Great

With God, small is Great
There is no need to hesitate

Whatever befalls you on your way
He will not let you go far astray

He can take a small action of Love
Turning it into something Heavenly from above

Doing precisely what God says
Shows faith in how Great God is

I bow my head and thank Him every day
For sending His Son Jesus to guide the way

October 1, 2023

The cool, quiet, calm

The cool quiet and the calm of an early morning dawn
The serenity of the moment brings to mind a Psalm

Psalm 131: I have calmed and quieted my restless soul
Awakening early to see Your Majestic Scenes unfold

How Great Thou Art, Oh Lord, Your Creation beyond words
Only explainable through the Heavenly sound of the birds 

Thank You, God, for Your beautiful creation 
That brings peace of mind and exultation 

September 30, 2023
Inspired by John Becton

Any day can be Springtime

Any day can be Springtime if we let it be
Any day can be Springtime for you and me

If you have Springtime in your heart and soul, it will surround you
In the midst of Winter or a terrible storm, the sky will be blue

Springtime is not just a season with Jesus; it is the reason 
The reason to live another day with a brand-new feeling

September 29, 2023

Water into wine

In a world of choices, where desires entwine,
Water soothes the soul, a taste divine.
Hold the wine for moments grand,
A banquet of life, as dreams are planned.

Asking for a miracle without reason would be a crime
Always waiting for the most appropriate time

Miracles are divinely sent from above
Only to be used to show God’s great love

Jesus performed miracles all the time
Because God’s love for His Son was sublime

September 29, 2023

Don’t we all have the right to be wrong now and then

Wrong right
Don’t we all have the right to be wrong now and then
I certainly hope so; otherwise, I would have no friends

If I were right all the time, It would certainly be a crime
Nobody would put up with me, not even my spouse, you see

Lord, give me the wisdom to see how others view me
Wisdom I know comes from you. Please, God, give me a dose too

September 29, 2023