Best and Worst

The very best and worst of humankind  
seem to collide at the identical time. 

Where there is a horrible affliction
Good rushes in to bring protection

When grief overtakes us, and we begin to cry
Friends walk with us, wiping tears from our eye 

As we slowly move along the timeline of our life
Looking back, seeing the meaning of our strife

All the threads in God's ultimate plan
Sewn together, completing every man

Ultimately, our very best is stitched by our very worst
Completing our character that our souls may not thirst

October 24, 2023

The Break Up

Did you ever have a romantic friend where you thought the romance would never end

I think we all can recall such a time and place 
Only getting through the separation by God's Grace

Memories linger from time long ago
Tears and heartache make us grow

Only as the sands of time pass by
Do we see the reasoning behind why

I often look back only the fond memories to recall
This nostalgia brings love and encouragement to us all

October 24, 2023

The Holy Spirit 

Let Thy Holy Spirit, pure and free,
Dwell in me, a temple, let it be.
A sanctuary, a haven for grace,
In Your presence, I find my rightful place.

Guide my steps through darkness and light,
In Your presence, I find strength and might.
AMEN, I pray, with a heart sincere,
May Your love and spirit always be near.

October 23,, 2023
Created by

The Living Waters

The Living Waters that flow through me
Bring ripples of kindness for others to see

The abundance of the water reaches deep into my soul
Quenching my thirst and forever making me whole

The freshness of the water I cannot explain
Bathing my soul like a warm, summer rain

Unexplained Love flowing through my soul
Not understanding how He Loves Me so

Bowing  my head, submitting my heart to Him
Constantly offering Thanks over and over again

October 23, 2023

I got churched

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term
Believe me, it's embarrassing, to say the least
When they call you on the carpet and say you're not invited to the next feast

I didn't think what I did was that bad 
Hard times hit and I was dead broke
They said what I did was no joke

They passed the offering plate and I made change.
I put in a five and took out a twenty
I thought that would be a plenty

I felt the Lord was okay with that considering the situation I was in
The Deacons said I had committed a great sin. 

Since none of them didn't offer to help
I saw an opportunity to feed my whelp

Well they still parading to church in their fancy clothes
I'm Worshiping God on the park bench
Only the Lord knows. 

I'm thankful for what I got. Seems like I got more than they will ever see
Worldy things you can't take with you to the grave believe me

What I got will last through death
The Love of God is the very best

October 23, 2023

The old farm

The old farm ain't what it used to be
Much more complicated now, you see

Expensive air-conditioned tractors and the like
Even the farmers are known to go on strike

Even purchasing expensive fertilizer now
Mules dispensed it for free behind the plow

Well, these times ain't what they used to be
I guess it's better in the long run for you and me

October 23, 2023

An Ethiopia Legend

An Ethiopian Legend of many Centuries ago
Tells of a strange bean and where it does grow

It has been traced to the ancient Coffee Forest on the Ethiopian Plateau
Goat herder Kaldi noticed the goats, after eating, exhibited quite a show

Becoming anxious and did not sleep at night
Causing the Goat Herder Kaldi quite a fright

Kali reported his concerns to the Abbott of the Local Monastery
The Abbott made a tea that kept him from becoming quite weary 

Accrediting this to the discovery of  the Coffee Bean of today
Drinking many cups of a morning makes me anxious all day

October 22, 2023

Give bees a chance

Give bees a chance and let them do their thing
Without pollination, we would not have many things

The Queen Bee has an internal desire
To carry out her work as God requires

Cut down on pollution and pesticides 
That in this world bees may reside

God created Bees to continue His Creation
For that very reason, we are under a great obligation 

October 22, 2023