Sounds of Freedom

There are many sounds of Freedom ringing in my ears today
The thunderous sounds of jet engines as they fly away

The sounds of peace calm my fears
Sounds are welcome music to my ears

Sounds of Heavenly Music that enter my soul
Hearing the Golden Bells of Heaven as they toll

All of these wondrous sounds set me free
Knowing that God's Love forever lives in me

October 21, 2023


Multi ethnic guys and girls taking selfie outdoors with backlight – Happy life style friendship concept on young multicultural people having fun day together in Barcelona – Bright vivid filter
Smile when your heart is breaking 
Smile even thoupgh your heart is aching

With God’s Love, you can smile all the day through
 You can always smile when no one smiles at you

A smile is so infectious; keep smiling all your life through
Winning the race one day, your smile will follow you

October 20, 2023

Why was I born

Why was I born? A question asked since the beginning of time. 
The answer so far eludes me in my lifetime 

The one that has the answer, the master of the universe above 
I am but a single thread woven in the tapestry of his love 

The answer came to me one morn why I was born
To live each day serving others through the love of the Lord

October 21, 2023

Can I Win

Can I win the race in this world of sin
That would depend on the race I’m in

Am I in the race for all  earthly things
And immediate gratification it brings

All these things shall pass one day
Leaving this earth forever to stay

Racing for Eternal Life, there is only One Way
Believing and accepting God’s Son Jesus today

Then I have won the race for eternity to live 
With the Master, because of the Love, He did Give

October 21, 2023

It looks so good

It looks so good I want one if I could
My friend has one he says I should

There are so many wants I don't know where to start 
I need to pause, hoping to find the truth in my heart

After taking time to think, I may not need it after all
There is a great chance it might lead to my downfall

Contentment I have found to be true
With it, I will not always be coveting you

October 16, 2023

Not a Moment a Movement

An encounter with God is not a Moment; it's a Movement
A continuing relationship that will bring much self-improvement

The Glory of the Encounter often asks how it can be greater 
Only to realize the depth of Love is infallible from our Creator

It is true: Every Day with Jesus Is Sweeter than the Day Before
Bowing my head and thanking Him continually for Evermore

October 16, 2023

Taking care of myself

I must take care of myself before I can help others 
If I am weak, there is no way to help my brothers

I must eat and exercise to be healthy and fit 
I will be prepared to help others without regret

My spiritual life should be the same
Faith prepares to help without blame

When seeing a brother struggling with  sin
Coming alongside feeling God’s Love within 

Encouraging one another in the Love of God
Brings Blessings to all in the paths  we trod

October 15, 2023